• I am born, i dont know what day it is but i know im being born. All i hear is screaming and yelling. Then i see the light and faces, after that day i guess is when my life begins.

    My name is Genisis and i was born with cancer. My parents divorced the day i was born. I dont know why my mom doesnt want to tell me what happened, but ill figure it out. Well i have to stay in this stupid hospital until they find a cure. My mom hardly visits me because she smoking pot and selling drugs. The nurses tell me i dont have much time so they gave me a laptop, but now thats all i do. Nobody understands me but i went to this online bloging website looking for love and romance. I found a few boyfriends, but one day i found the perfect one, his name was drake. We blogged each other every day ,even we web chatted. He thought i was beautiful. We were in love. I blogged to him one day and he didnt answer. I was worried , two hours later i got an email saying that he died from fighting with a gang. I cried for several hours. Part of me died that day.

    Today is my bithday, im turning 14 and its been 2 days since drake died. The nurses say i will die in 2 months. I wont eat the doctor thinks if i dont eat i have 1 month. I will not die not today nor will i die ever. I will fight.

    Its been 6 days since my birthday and 8 days since drake died. My mom is visting today, she's probaly been smoking.When my mom came in she was crying and upset.Also had a beer in her hand dont know how she got through. Next thing i know my moms yelling at me.

    "You ruined my life u piece of s**t" ,my mom said

    "How, i've been here my whole life"

    "You were born thats what",my mom said furious

    I started to cry ,but she didnt see me. I didnt want her to. She jumps to my medical bed and trys to cut off my head with the beer which she had broken.
    the nurses came and tried to take her away. Yet she managed to cut my cheek. It didnt bother me but the nurses were so scared .
    they put my in a private medical room.

    I went on my laptop and went to blog ,when i saw i had a email from a random person named franky. I forgot that i added him for some reason on the screen it said " Are you alright". I gasped how did he know, i answered back,"i'm fine but how did u know something was happening to me". He didnt answer , he was offline but i manged to see his name before he did. "franky" read the screen.

    I went on google the next day and typed in "f-r-a-n-k-y". I got all these results. I started to cry franky was my father.

    Two weeks later i woke up i didnt know what had happened to me. They said i went in a
    coma. I don't remeber anything.

    A month later the doctor told me my mother had died. Even though she was not really there for me i said my goodbyes like a normal daughter would. I didnt but for some reason a tear came down my eye.

    I've been writing poems since my mom passed which was a week ago.