• I walk through the streets, stepping lightly so as to not scuff my new shoes. I look straight ahead, but I cannot see far. The smoke that now covers the city makes it impossible. I pull in a breath, and the mask that everybody now wears makes slight noises as it filters impurities out of the air, before I breathe it in. As I walk, I glance to the side. A homeless man sits, coughing and wheezing. He doesn't have a mask. He'll be dead soon. I keep walking, not giving the man another thought. He'll be fine.

    I continue down the street, observing more of the scenery. I think of what I will eat for dinner. Maybe I'll order a pizza. Yes, that sounds good. I wait at the corner to cross the street, when a man ignores the lights, and attempts to dash across. I look to my left, and see an oncoming truck. It's not slowing down. The truck smashes into the man, who flies into the air, and hits the asphalt with a crunch. Many of his bones must have just broken. He'll be dead soon. The light changes, and I step off the curb, and walk passed the man. He'll be fine.

    I enter a small market, wishing I could smell the products that are on display. They might not smell good, but I've worn this mask my whole life, and I have never smelled anything. A small child runs up to me, his eyes big. He's a beggar from a poor family, or an orphan. I push him out of the way. He obviously hasn't eaten in days. He'll be dead soon. I exit through the other side of the market, and turn into an alley, heading towards my house. He'll be fine.

    I continue to walk. Halfway through the alley, a shady figure approaches me. I try to slip passed him, but he blocks my path. He tells me to give him my money. I decline, like I always do. The man slowly pulls out a pocket knife, then asks again. I decline. He lunges forward and pushes the blade into my stomach. He lets go of the handle, and reaches into my pocket to pull out my wallet. He takes off, running towards the market. I manage to drag myself to the end of the alley, right by the street. I collapse. My blood seeps into the gutters on the street. I'll be dead soon. I ignore the pain, and observe the passing pedestrians, as my vision slowly darkens. I'll be fine.