As night fell across the town, a loud screech echoed into the darkness. People turned their heads in fright, for they didn’t know what was happening that very night. For far away, where the scream came from, was a little girl who had blood on her fingertips and clothes, and face, and a grim, and distorted look was plastered to her face as well. Hey eyes were blood red at first, but then, changed to an ocean blue. “Disgusting creatures, which have no right to be here, and prey on the souls of humans, shall all be punished in the end.” She said. Two others stood on either side of her. One was –at-least- was what looked like a teenage boy. On the opposite side, stands another girl. She was taller, and she looked older than the girl beside her, but, she sometimes wondered, with how mature that little girl acted sometimes, was she really the older one? She was the newest member of their little ‘organization’ as it was sometimes called that by people who had no idea about these creatures. She’s only seventeen, but she acts as though she were allot older. With light blue eyes, and brownish-blonde hair, she stood there. With uncaring eyes, and a dark expression, she pretended she didn’t know what was going on, same as the rest of them. The others didn’t know as much about those things, not as much as her, that is. She knew them better than anyone. But she couldn’t let them find out, for if they ever did, it would certainly be catastrophic. “I think that we should leave before anyone notices us like last time.” She said to the others. And with those words, they disappeared into the night, unnoticed, but not safe yet. For even those who bring death, must all eventually die themselves…
Chapter 1:
I don’t really remember all that well of what happened that day. I just remember going to sleep in my bed, but, the next thing I knew, I was awake, staring at unfamiliar scenery. I slowly looked around the room, moving my eyes from one end of the room, to the next. I saw a small antique wooden table, with a white, silk table cloth on top of it, and a tea pot, and cups on top of that. The walls were a dark brown, and there was a dresser by a window beside the bed I was lying on. The floors were wooden, and so was the dresser. The bed I was on was different than mine, I noticed. The sheets were soft and smooth, the pillows were extremely plush, and the bed itself was quite comfortable and warm. There were three windows, two by the bed, and one above the table.
A door was at the very back of the room. The sun was shining, but I also happened to notice two lights on the ceiling, both were turned on. It must be getting close to night, I decided. I like the room, more or less. But still, I didn’t understand where I was. I also didn’t know what all was out there, what all could possibly come in the night, or the morning, and very likely kill me. And I had no idea what was possibly about to happen to me; there was no way I could. And, then, I heard someone speak, but I couldn’t see them (or hear exactly what they said). I was so tired, I couldn’t even see straight, but still, I looked all around the room, then, I saw a chair, right beside the bed. And on the chair, a little girl sat down. Her legs were crossed, and she had a grim and sad look on her face. Her skin was kind of tanned, and she seemed to sense me looking at her, but I couldn’t help it. She had seemed so familiar, yet I just couldn’t place where I’d seen her before. And then she looked back at me, and her expression changed into a light smile. And she said; “I see you’re awake. You’ve been asleep for a while; I thought that you’d died.” “I feel like I’ve died…” I said. “You might have, had I not rescued you.” “What do you mean?” “You should remember soon enough. But, in case you don’t, I’ll have my servant tell you. He’s actually kind of strange, and he sometimes acts like he cares about no one, but don’t be fooled by the way he might act sometimes. He’s just always been alone, I found him about seven years ago. Wandering the streets, looking for something to eat, but he was nothing more than skin and bones back then.” “But, how could you have found him seven years ago? You look about eight or nine and I don’t think you could have found him when you were one or two. And, where am I? Who are you? And what am I doing here?” “I’m older than I look. You are onboard our ship, The ‘Maria de Everett.’ My great grandmother’s name, just so you know. I am Sarah Maria de Scarlet. And the reason you’re here, is a very important one. You have power no one else has; you could easily deal with what we deal with.” “Okay, do you HAVE to do that every time? You answer one, or two, or three questions, but then open more up. Can’t you just answer this all? Because out of all of that, I noticed a lot more question become unanswered than you actually answered.” “I don’t know what all questions you’re wondering about, so just tell me if I have the wrong answers. You are here because your old life is in the past, you should forget about it and move on, because you can never go back. You were brought aboard our ship because you are the only person that he has chosen. He is the seeker; he searches for souls who can be used to bring us closer to saving the world from darkness. He is our protector, and the one who is trying his best to help us win this war. And I am a lot older than I may seem. That I shall explain to you later, but for now, my servant should be arriving here very shortly, so for now those are the only questions I can answer.” At that time, I remember feeling anxious to meet her ‘servant,’ whoever that was. Concern, because everything she’d told me, seemed to open more and more questions than I had originally wanted. I decided it was best to sit up, if her servant actually was coming. So I tried to slowly pull myself up. But it hurt, a lot. It felt as though someone was trying to saw through my arms, and my head also started hurting. I plopped back down into the bed; apparently I was also weak now. Well, ‘weaker,’ anyway. I remember thinking how awful it was, how I couldn’t even sit up. I felt terrible, with my newly acquired head pain, but, at-least my arms had stopped hurting as much. But, more than the pain, I was focused on my thoughts. I was trying to answer all the questions Sarah hadn’t been able to answer. I looked over to her, but she hadn’t seemed to notice I’d tried to sit up and fell back instead. I was actually kind of glad she hadn’t paid attention to that, but, I realized that she also went to her original look, the one she had when I first woke up. It made me feel bad, so I decided I’d try talking to her again, because she seemed to like having people talk to her. But, just as I was about to say something, the door slung open.
And someone burst inside. “Sarah, there’s something important that just came to my notice. I had to let you know immediately.” The strange person who just burst in said. I realized that he must be talking to the little girl, unless my name was suddenly changed. But what could possibly be important to a little girl? “If you keep bursting in here unannounced Stephen, people will start getting annoyed.” Sarah said. This time, her expression changed again, into rage. That guy Stephen hadn’t even noticed me, so I decided he must not be good with talking to people he doesn’t know, or he was just a jerk. “Sorry, I know, but it’s very important that you know about this.” He started looking flustered, so I figured it must really be important. I was kind of interested in the outcome of this, but Sarah looked back over to me, and came up with a kind of lame excuse: “Would you like some water? I’m sure that you’re thirsty.” But I realized that I was indeed thirsty I was, so, I accepted her offer. Her face turned back into that light smile, and I could’ve sworn that she chuckled for a second, but she seemed even happier as she left the room. She seemed really anxious to get away from that Stephen guy. Although, after I’d accepted, and Sarah had left the room, Stephen finally noticed me. And I wish he hadn’t. Because as soon as he heard me, he looked directly at me, his eyes were cold. They almost looked pure black, even though they were obviously just a very dark blue. It gave me cold sweat as soon as he looked at me. It was a different look than what he had given her. It frightened me, so I turned to look at the wall, and, as I did, I went back into deep thought. And then, I came to realize. Sarah had left the room, which meant I had been left alone with Stephen, who seemed to hold some sort of grudge against me? I let my eyes turn towards one of the windows beside my bed, and slowly start to look out of it. I saw water. Well, Sarah did say we were on a boat, I remembered. “It’s so pretty.” I said under my breathe. And then, a light smile came across my face. I watched the water, the waves, the sky, the birds that passed by, and the clouds. Just as I used to do whenever we went to the beach, except, for some reason, there were no airplanes, or helicopters passing by, I thought it was strange, but enjoyed just the plain sounds of nature nonetheless. At that moment, I thought I realized how much I missed home. Then, I remembered how I’d tried to sit up earlier, but couldn’t. It made me a little bit mad, so, I tried again, this time faster. I jerked myself up, and threw my feet to the floor. The more I watched the waves outside, the more upset and homesick I became. So, I eventually just looked away, despite the fact that I really didn’t want to. And, when I looked back into the room, I remembered that Stephen was there. I wondered if I should talk about something, to break the awkward silence that had now broken out into the room. But, while I was wondering what to talk about, I didn’t notice something unusual. In fact, I didn’t notice it the whole time I was on this boat, since the first second I woke up... I didn’t remember much of my life. I finally realized that after Stephen had asked me what my name was. All I said was ‘I wouldn’t tell you if my life depended on it.’ He must have realized that I had no idea, because he chuckled and then he said; “Well, it’s usual after suffering such a traumatizing event, as you did.” He looked rather cruel and taunting, as he said that. I asked him what he meant, and he said; “When you get your memory back, which will happen eventually, and then you’ll know.” Everyone was talking like something bad had happened to me. Sarah said she’d rescued me, and now Stephen said that it was traumatizing… what could it have possibly been? I wondered. Maybe, I don’t want to remember. Maybe, it’s best not to remember. But, more importantly, what Stephen had come to talk about with Sarah, really was important. Yet she shrugged him off as though he did that on a daily basis. Neither me, nor Stephen, knew what was happening at that moment, but, we were about to find out. “Jeez, what’s taking Sarah so long? I’m getting thirsty.” I said. I looked back at Stephen, he was sitting on the floor now, right next to the door, arms crossed, eyes closed, he looked almost cute while being like that, that I almost forgot how much he disliked me.
. I turned averted my gaze from him, and looked at the wall, my eyes tracing over all the little lines inside of it. I finally got tired of lying down, so I got the rest of the way out of bed, as fast as I could, and almost fell down. My legs were so weak, and I felt my own weight coming down onto them. I was tired, thirsty, weak, and in pain even before I stood up. I slowly made my way to the door, careful not to wake Stephen; I slowly and quietly opened it. I stepped outside, and I got really lightheaded and dizzy, because I felt as though I was doing something wrong. There were three paths, two side paths, and one forward path that must’ve lead directly to the captain’s quarters. I decided to follow the side path on the right, because it had the most light down it. Because, as I had just realized as I left the room, it was now night, so, I must have been staring at the wall awhile, no one Stephen was trying to sleep now. Stumbling across the hallway, I made my way down to wherever the path led. I decided it was probably a good idea to hold onto the wall, which I couldn’t see, because my vision was still blurred. I was falling all over the place, when I finally made it to a door. I opened it, and what I saw was in it was; books, on top of a large wooden desk, pressed up against the wall, with drawers all over it. A beautiful lavender colored rug that rested on the floor and the wall paper was a gorgeous shade of blue. And I suddenly felt allot better (even though I was still weak, and the pain was bad, I felt happier). I felt like I had been here before, but I was pretty sure I hadn’t. But, who knows, I thought, I don’t remember anything, so it might be possible that I HAVE been here before. I looked around the room some more and saw beautiful paintings of the ocean, a garden, a pine tree, and of a man and woman, and standing in between them, was a young boy. He must’ve been their son, I thought to myself. I loved this room, and if it was possible, I would’ve loved to stay in it for a little while longer. But, it wasn’t what I was looking for, so I left the room, closed the door, and started down the hallway again. I found another room, a couple of inches away from this one, and the door was slightly open. I slowly peeked inside, wondering what could possibly be in there, and I screamed. A body rested on a white sheet, on top of a steel table. The flesh was intact and was covered with what looked like fresh blood I grew even weaker, and I screamed again. And I fell to the floor. Stephen was the first person who made it over. “What’s wrong?” He asked. My eyes were staring at the inside of that room, which was probably usually dead body free most of the time. I was shaking, and I couldn’t speak a word, which made him pretty curious as to what lay in that room. He took one look, and a frightened (and frightening) look came onto his face. “We need to get off of this boat, now.” He said as he shut the door quickly. “What about Sarah?” I asked. “She’s down the opposite hall; she probably heard that loud scream of yours than can even wake ME up.” He replied. I realized his hand was still against the door, keeping it shut. “Why is your hand still pushing against the door?” “That’s a good question, how about I answer it if we get out of here alive.” “Are you possibly thinking that the person who did that might still be aboard the ship!?” “Quite possibly. And, more importantly, it’s not a person. But, it might’ve been at one point in time, but the point is, it’s not one now.” “If it’s not a person, then what did that?” “I already told you, I’ll explain everything if we get out of here alive.” “No, you said you’d just tell me why you’re determined to keep that door closed if we got out of here alive.” “Whatever, fine, just upgrade that to everything.” And, with that, dead silence. After a few short minutes of him leaning on a door, and me sitting on the floor, we heard something coming, and we both suddenly tensed up. He turned around, his back still pinned the door shut, though. He flinched as the sound got closer and closer, but he didn’t move. We both knew it could be Sarah, and if it was, we could get off this boat immediately. And, as it turned out, it was Sarah.
So, Stephen suggested to her too that we leave. She nodded in agreement. “I stopped by the captain’s room, he was dead.” She said. “Yeah, well, she (he said pointing at me) found a dead crewman in that room. So, my best bet is that the entire ship has been emptied out of the crewmen and captain for a reason.” “Something doesn’t feel right.” I whispered. Stephen seemed to have heard me, while Sarah asked me what I’d said. Stephen crouched down beside me, and said: “Well, of course something doesn’t feel right, the captain’s dead, and so is the crew. We’re probably the last three people actually alive on this boat.” “Yes, but that’s not what it is. I feel as though whatever did this, doesn’t want the three of us dead. Otherwise, couldn’t it have easily killed us, while you (I looked at Stephen) were asleep, while you (I looked at Sarah) were alone, and while I was in bed, and hardly able to move without being in horrible pain? Why hasn’t it killed us, why has it let us live until now? And why did it wait until after you found me, or rescued me, or whatever, and dragged me aboard this ship? I’m pretty sure it’s been here a whole lot longer than I have. Don’t ask me how, and don’t ask me why, but I think it needs us for something. Or it just wanted to gather us together, alone, with no one else to stop it from doing whatever it’s going to try to do to us.” “And what do you think it wants exactly?” Stephen asked. “I’m not sure exactly what it wants, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t involve sitting down and having tea.” Just then, something burst through the door that Stephen was keeping constantly shut… which none of us noticed he’d stopped pushing against when he crouched down, until after it flew open. “Sarah, Stephen, I say we get out of here. Right after you two help me up!” I said. They picked me up, and we ran. I realized I got my strength back, and the pain and dizziness was gone. It must be something about monsters and being chased that helps you get better when you feel dead. I glanced back, just wondering what kind of monster it could be, and I saw something I didn’t expect to see. A tall, silver skinned person, with bright red eyes, was following closely behind us… wearing a lab coat, and a surgical mask, armed with surgical equipment. It doesn’t sound all that frightening right? Well, wrong. I still see that thing, whatever it was, in my nightmares. I knew it shouldn’t have been all that frightening, I mean, I’d seen supposedly scarier stuff, but, this thing was scarier, MUCH scarier even to your worst nightmares, more terrifying than you can even imagine. I looked back ahead, as I realized we were coming to that same fork as before. We turned, and headed for the path I had thought held the captain’s quarters, which, it did actually, I realized as we made it to the a door that said ‘DO NOT ENTER, CAPTAIN’S QUARTERS.’ I stared blankly at the sign, as I thought it was interesting how they just put it right on the door like that. Sarah apparently had the key, I noticed as she rummaged around in her pockets. She found the key, just as the monster was catching up, unlocked the door, and we all ran inside as fast as we possibly could. I looked around the room, and I noticed bookshelves, they were emptied out though, the books all filled the floor. There was one book in particular that caught my eye, however. I slowly reached down, and picked up a book that was a darkish black color. I looked at the title, it was red and if you put it in light, it glowed. The title read ‘Death Bringers.’ What an interesting title for a book, I thought. It was a pretty thick and heavy book, I didn’t put it down, my hands held it tightly, and I didn’t want to leave it on the ship. I searched around for other books, and found only one more that caught my eye. It was a thin book, but had many pages, but, not as many pages as Death Bringers had, and, it also wasn’t the same colors. It was a light green color, and it had grey writing for the title. It was called ‘Monster’s of Legend volume 01.’ I decided I would keep this one too. And, I hadn’t realized earlier, but Sarah had opened a glass door to outside, and Stephen was already out there too, they were trying to get something down, but I couldn’t see what it was. I also hadn’t noticed that Sarah locked the door behind her, until the monster showed up and tried to break into there.
I got scared, gripped onto the second book as tightly as I did with the first one, and put both books into both of my arms, and ran outside. I realized when I got out there that what Sarah and Stephen were trying to get were supplies, and a life boat. I decided to help them out, so I set my new books down, and helped them with everything and they looked relived that I did. We got the boat and supplies down, and I picked up my books, put them into the boat, ran back inside, and picked up one more book. It was a dairy, which had the same name of the boat, the very same boat that was named after Sarah’s great grandmother. I brought it with me outside, set it down, picked up the other two books, just as we pushed the boat out into the water. They gave me a water proof backpack and some other stuff like, food, water, and the essentials. Which, I put my books into my water proof backpack as soon as they gave it to me, closed it up, and put it on. They’d already taken the supplies out when I’d left to go back inside, now all that was left to do, was get into the boat, sail back to shore, and… leave the boat out at sea? I thought just before I realized that they’d left the monster a little surprise, as I noticed a gasoline tank on deck. We jumped into the boat, and then, Stephen threw a match as soon as the monster had managed to break the door down and get inside. The matches must have been inside one of the supply cases, but where did the gasoline come from? I decided I’d just let it go and not question it too much, because these people seemed kind of dangerous to me. So, Sarah was upset that she had to blow up her great grandmother’s boat, so, I smiled, pulled the diary out of my backpack, and dropped it into her lap. She read the title, smiled, hugged me, and sat back down, hugging the diary tightly. Stephen glanced over at me, and I flinched. But his eyes suddenly looked kind, and gentle. And a smile crossed his face. I got embarrassed; because he hadn’t looked at me like that the whole entire time I’d been on that boat. I wanted to ask Sarah what had happened to her servant that she said was coming, but I was pretty sure that that would just upset her again, so I decided to let it be, for now anyway. Stephen still stared at me, and I realized that this was going to be a long boat ride home between the three of us. But, I decided to at-least end the silence. “What are you looking at, you weird freak?” I said to Stephen while my head was turned toward the sea. “I just thought from the way that everything happened, you were a demon or something.” I glared at him after he said that, and stood up. “I am not a demon you stupid idiot!!” I screamed at him. He nodded. “I know that now, but, you’ve got a bad temper.” After he said that, I sat back down, and mumbled: “I don’t have a bad temper.” He replied: “Yeah, you kinda’ do.” I realized he still hadn’t stopped smiling, and that kind of ticked me off. “Sarah, do you hear what he’s –“ I ended my sentence there ‘cause I’d realized she was holding her book in her hands, reading aloud (but so quietly nobody could hear her, not even Stephen), not paying attention to what we were doing, or talking about. So, me and Stephen went along time, until we fell asleep, arguing. And Sarah put the book into her backpack, and went to sleep after us, wondering when we’d fallen asleep. We all knew it would be a long day when morning came around, so we all figured we’d get some sleep. Sarah was the last one to fall asleep, and Stephen was first. We knew that it’d be rough the next day, but none of us would have expected what all would happen, when the boat docked at a pier, far away from where we’d blown the boat up at.
END: Ch.1
Oh, I do have a name for this book, I just didn't feel like posting it. If you'd like to know the title, just ask.
- by rythmqueen6 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/19/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: My Book Ch.1
- Artist: rythmqueen6
- Description: This is just a book I've been working on. I do have a name for it, I just didn't feel like posting it. I started on it a few months ago. I realize I made some mistakes on it, and I WILL fix them... eventually. Also, I was planing on changing my male main characters name, anyone got any idea's what I should change it too?
- Date: 08/19/2011
- Tags: book original death bringers murder
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Comments (2 Comments)
- rythmqueen6 - 08/19/2011
- Thanks. Although the first chapter doesn't have that much action, it's just basically an introduction to the the main main characters. And no, it's not about vampire's. It's about people like grim reapers, they never grow older, and yet they can die. The second chapter should be allot better than the first. I just need time to work on it, though.
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- Harmonic Tune - 08/19/2011
Wow nice opening. i'm to lazy to read the rest but I will sometime when I get the chance... Anyway Hope it isn't about vampires like most books... And hoping Its about reapers or somthing. "For even those who bring death, must all eventually die themselves…" Yup hoping for soul reapers who bring death =)
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