• Chapter Three

    The Fight to Rescue

    Adon, Erica, Donner, and Fumiyo had reached the edge of the woods where Fumiyo last saw Essence heading. Erica walked a few steps out in front of them and held out her hand. Adon faced Fumiyo and shook his head.
    "How did this all happen?" Adon asked. Fumiyo looked down as she recalled the events played out in her mind.

    The bell had just rang that school was out in the middle school and in the elementary school across the street. Fumiyo was putting up her books as Essence had walked in the door way.
    "Let's go, Fumiyo! Lalita is waiting for us!" said Essence. Fumiyo tapped her books on her desk and held them in her arms.
    "I know, Essence. I am coming." said Fumiyo. Essence and Fumiyo walked out into the school grounds where they saw Lalita running their way.
    "Big sisters! I'm here!" Lalita said with a smile. Essence ran over to her and picked her up. They were laughing happily together.
    "I see you Lalita! Come on, let's head home!" she said. Essence put Lalita on the ground and looked at Fumiyo. Lalita waved big over at Fumiyo.
    "Sissy! Hurry!" said Lalita. Fumiyo gave Lalita a faint smile and walked over to them.
    "I'm hurrying, Lalita." said Fumiyo. They headed out of the school and started to walk home. It was then a large shadow loomed over them. Lalita looked at the shadow curiously.
    "When did it get cloudly?" Lalita asked. Fumiyo and Essence turned around to see a large figure standing a little ways from them. Its appearance was hard to see through the blinding sun. But they could definitly tell it had an evil grin on its face. It's hand swooped down on them and smack the ground in front of them. The shock wave nearly catapulted them into the air. Fumiyo picked up Lalita and looked at Essence.
    "Run!" she screamed. Essence started to run away from the thing that was after them. Essence looked back at the thing and closed her eyes for a moment. Her eyes snapped back open and looked at Fumiyo. "Get Lalita away from here. I'll distract it for you guys." Before Fumiyo could object to her, Essence bolted the other direction away from them. The thing start to chase her as Fumiyo and Lalita headed the other way. Lalita looked back at Essence before she disappeared out of sight.
    "BIG SISTER!!!!" she screamed.

    "That was the last we saw of her. We hurried back home to try to get help for her." she said as she finished her story. Adon placed his hand on his face and shook his head.
    "What was she thinking? That idiot." he said. Erica had heard the entire story and sighed. She turned and faced them.
    "Sounds like a Zmeu to me to chase after her like that." said Erica. Donner looked at her with a confused look on his face. He tilted his head to the side a little.
    "What is a Zmeu?" Donner asked. Fumiyo looked back up at them and pulled out a book from her backpack. She quickly flipped through the pages until she reached the one she was looking for.
    "A Zmeu is a creature from Romanian folklore." Fumiyo stated. Adon and Donner looked at Fumiyo as she continues her explaination. "It is said to be a creature similiar to a dragon with human traits such as arms and legs. It is also said to create its own weapons, can spit fire and have tremendous strength. A Zmeu is said to have a nasty habit of kidnapping young girls to marry them againist their will." Erica nodded at her just as she finished her explaination.
    "It must have taken a liking to Essence. We better hurry and find her." said Erica. Erica dove into the forest as Adon, Donner, and Fumiyo followed behind her. Adon looked on in worry and he followed Erica closely.
    "What will happen if Essence is married to the Zmeu?" Adon asked. Erica looked at him briefly and then turned her face back onto the forest ahead of them.
    "She will be trapped with the Zmeu until she dies or until the Zmeu decides to kill her after getting bored with her. Which ever comes first." she said with a grim look on her face. Adon nearly stopped in his tracks at what Erica had said. It might kill her, he thought. He shook his head of the thought and hurried back up beside Erica.
    "We have to save her now!" he shouted. Erica looked back at him and smiled.
    "Yes. We better hurry then." she said. Erica sped up ahead of them as Adon, Donner and Fumiyo followed behind her. Soon they came across a cave leading deep into the ground. As they peered into the cave, they were unable to see inside the cave. Erica raised her hand and from her hand grew a bright flame. Donner nearly jumbed back in surprise.
    "How did you do that?" he asked. Erica gave Donner a sour look and shook her head.
    "Now is not the time to ask silly questions." she said coldly. She pulled out the katana from her waist and handed to Donner. "Use this to protect yourself." Donner grabbed the katana and tied it to his waist. Erica nodded and looked at them. "Let's go." Erica entered the cave as they followed behind her. The inside of the cave was dark and damp. With everystep they took the definitly hear their footsteps echo throughout the cave. Soon they came across a set of stairs leading deeper down into the earth. Erica motioned them to be quiet and started descending the steps down deeper into the earth. The stairs seemed to never end until they came across a large door. Erica put out her flame and peeked through the crack in the door. They soon hear a scream from the other side. Adon pushed her aside and looked through the crack in the door. He saw Essence beyond the door cowering in fear.
    "Please! Leave me alone! Get away from me! Please! Go away!" Essence shouted. Adon turned to Erica, Fumiyo and Donner.
    "We have to stop it now!" he said. They nodded in unison and burst through the door. They gasped at the sight of the Zmeu. The Zmeu stood tall in the large room with large arms and legs. At one side of the Zmeu was a large broadsword. The Zmeu's tail whipped back and forth as it stared at Essence. Essence looked over and smiled happily at the sight of Adon.
    "Adon!" she shouted. The Zmeu turned around and looked at them. It pulled out its sword and took a swing at them. They moved out of the way of the sword just in time. Adon looked over at Fumiyo.
    "Get Essence out of here!" he shouted. Fumiyo nodded and ran over to Essence. The Zmeu turned around and swung its sword down on Fumiyo. Donner rushed over and blocked it with Erica's katana. Fumiyo grabbed Essence's arm and started to pull out of the room. Once they were in the doorway, Fumiyo looked over at Adon.
    "Be careful, Adon!" she said. Essence and Fumiyo escaped up the stairs and out of sight. Erica gathered in her hand lighting as Donner kept the Zmeu busy with the katana. Erica aimed at the Zmeu with lighting in her hand. She released the lightning and hit the Zmeu in the back. The Zmeu roared in pain and knocked Donner away. He hit the back wall of the room and the katana was sent flying out of his hand. The Zmeu whipped its tail and knocked Erica off her feet and onto the ground. Adon ran over and grabbed the katana and charge at the Zmeu. The Zmeu blocked the attack with its own sword. Adon pushed the sword out of the Zmeu's hand and knocked it to the ground. Adon jumped on top of the Zmeu and dealt the final blow. He stood up and wiped the sword clean. He walked over to Donner and gave him a hand. Donner stood up and smiled. As Adon turned away from him, Donner smacked him in the back. Adon jumped and turned to him.
    "Must you do that!" he shouted. Donner grinned at him and ruffled his hair.
    "Way to go, Adon! You showed that Zmeu what for!" he said happily. Adon smiled and nodded at him.
    "You're right." he said. He turned to Erica who had managed to get back up. He and Donner walked over to her and they made their way out of the cave. They caught up with Essence and Fumiyo and made their way back to Adon's house.

    In some other worldly place, stood a shadowy man. Just behind the man, a messager appeared behind him.
    "What is it?" said the shadowy man.
    "My Lord. It seems that the Zmeu has been slain." said the messager. The man turned around and face the messager.
    "Who done it?" the shadowy man asked.
    "We don't know for sure but it was slain in Alston's hometown." the messager stated.
    "Really now." said the shadowy man with a smile. The man turned his back to the messager. "Alert my men immediately."
    "Yes, My Lord." said the messager. The messager disappeard out of sight after hearing its orders. The man grinned to himself at the news he had recieved.
    "Well now, it seems your messager got there, Alston." said the man. The man chuckled as he waited for his men to appear.