• He saw her face for the very first time
    The words formed from his lips stating “she will be mine”
    His heart was beating faster
    The vibe was extraordinary
    As she passed by the smell of lilacs filled his nose
    She stopped for a moment to read the map of the town
    He got up and tapped on her shoulder
    “Excuse me miss, you’re beautiful”
    The smile on her lips could never leave his mind
    She told him thank you, staring into his eyes
    Her dress twirled as she turned back to the map
    “I can show you where you need to go” he said
    She gave a nod, smiling that same smile he knew he’d remember
    She told him she needed to go to the hospital, still smiling
    He didn’t worry much about it, she was happy
    As they walked together through the crowded streets
    His thoughts raced through his mind
    “Could she be mine?”
    “Why is she going to the hospital?”
    The thoughts distracted him and he tripped over a bench
    She giggled and said “Be careful, silly”
    He laughed as she helped me up
    We decided to sit on the bench and she turned to him
    “Hey, where do you live?”
    He told her his address, hoping she’d come over some day
    He got up and helped her up and they continue walking
    When they approached the hospital, she kissed him on the cheek
    He blushed and waved goodbye as she was heading inside
    He went home, happier than he ever been in his life
    His life was better than before, she was his dream
    He loved her
    When he awoke the next morning, he stepped out
    A letter on his doorstep read
    “Hey boy, you were the best to ever happen to me; I wished we could have spent our life together. By the time you get this letter, I would be in another world, I was happy with you here, don’t think once it was your fault. The first time I saw you I knew you were the one. I love you”
    Attached to the note was a lilac, his tears dropped upon it
    He visited her grave and placed the lilac on it
    “Goodbye, love” he said
    He smiled through his tears as he walked away
    She was in his dreams now