• "You're going to have to stay in my room, Booker," she said as they approached her house. "Not everyone is as used to ghosts as I am, you know?"

    He chuckled lightly and held up his hands. They were see-though again. "Don't worry, princess. I'll be gone by April."

    She stopped in her tracks before the door, the keys in her hand jingling as she slid one into the keyhole. "I have a name. It's Jody, not princess."

    "I know," he murmured. He put his see-though hands in the pockets of his jeans. "I just want to make you feel like one before I go."

    She let her hand fall, the keys clinking together once more as they hit her thigh. She looked on the brink of tears, but furrowed her brows and unlocked the door with much more vigor than before. "Don't say stuff like that."

    He followed her into the house and sighed a little as the family cat, Noot, passed through his leg. "You know I'm telling the truth, princess. You're just denying it because you want me to be your prince when everyone in my kingdom's dead."

    She cried that night, and so did he, those little ghost tears that the only the princess could feel.