• You and Ranger heard more stories about the Whisps and the Ashes battling to save them. "Who made the Ashes?" Ranger asked. "Ha! I knew you would ask. A evil owl made them with a spell." You mother said, waving her wings around to try to scare you. "What's the spell?" You asked. "Well, it's unknown." She said, gazing at you and your brother. 'What's his name?" Ranger asked. "That's unknown as well." Your father chirped. "I was telling the story!" You mother said, pushing him down. "Mother stop!" You shouted, wings open wide, eyes wide, anger flashing. "I- i'm so sorry." Your mother apologized. "Ranger, talk with me alone." You mother said. "Okay." Ranger tweeted. "I will teach you flying lessons." Your father said with joy. "Yes! What about Echo?" Ranger wondered. "She was born with weak wings, she can't fly for a long time and i'm afraid of her falling so we won't let her until she's older." He said with depression. "Oh." Ranger said. "We should start now." Ranger reasoned. "Ok." You father said, flapping his wings to the entrance of the hollow. Ranger ran over to him, his brown feathers shining. "Alright, just jump down and flap your wings as much as you can." Your father said. "Fine but what if i fall!" Ranger said, amber eyes shining. "Relax!" Your father said, green eyes gleaming with dark-brown feathers flowing. Your mother came over, her brown eyes gazing at Ranger. Her light-brown feathers flowed in the wind. "I'll catch you." Your father said. You mother went to check on you. Ranger jumped down and felt the air flying with him. His wings were shut tight. He opened them and soared. He flapped. them and felt a breeze of awesomeness. "I'm doing it!" Ranger said, cheerfully. "I'm proud of you! Fly back here! I'm glad you tried!" Your father said. Ranger flew back and gripped his talons on the entrance of the hollow. "I'm happy about your work." Your father said, patting Ranger's back with his wing.