• "I hear voices ! Demon voices ! but were are they coming from ? " says the kid " Hell " the mother answers quickly.What,What is Hell ? says the kid " it is were ah were i came from." the mother said unexcitedly. just then a big bang went off and for 2 -3 minutes the world went black then on the 4-5 minute or so he wasn't counting volcanoes all of them went off they fought they were doomed the ppl who deceived God turned blood red no they were covered in blood..... The on the 6th minute the Devil appeared ! Angles sent from heaven came to stop him. Greatly they did they stoped them ! in the end the day of God came he was there God !! Then God came down from the heavens and said the next 100 million years I will be here for you. The ones said " God you have answered our deepest prayer ! "