its my life not yours.
i am a girl of course. my parents are divorced. i live with my father and my dads girlfriend. there cool i guess. we live in a 2 story home. it is an awesome house. and i cant wait to tell you the best part, one of my sisters is pregnet. it is a boy. i recantly moved. i was livin with my grandma. she lives at the lake. i moved up here cause i love my dad. everyone thinks i am always gappy, well there wrong. i use to be emo amd goth but i learned if you are sad do something. i am against that there is a pill for everything and you take those pills. i want to be in the army and fight for our country and stand up for everything and do my share in keeping the earth green. sooner or later somebody is going to be yelling at the sun and it is going to end up sad and go into depression mode wat r u going to do then well all be in fedal posion sayin to the sun let it ge a sunny day when it is raining and it will be because of you.
if you want more detail comment
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