• I sit in the dungeon
    My fury burning at the king
    My hatred flowing in my veins.

    These chains are all that stops me
    From killing that b*****d
    For what he did

    He took me prizoner
    Seeing me as a threat
    And killed my family
    So that none more like me could continue.

    As i think of it the rage burns hot
    Literally hot through my veins
    Melting away at these braces
    Soon i am free
    Soon i will win
    Soon i will avenge

    Bursting down the cell with a ball of fire
    Throwing the guards across the hall into the cell
    Killing the warden

    Running upstairs
    My head flashing with images of my family
    My anger growing and growing

    The magic in my body turns black with rage
    Working for me in seeking vengance.

    More of the kings men come at me
    Waving my hand
    I annihilate them all with a collapsing ceiling.

    I find the kings throne room
    And tear down the doors with great force

    There he sits
    His a** in his chair of gold
    His belly full of rich wine and meat

    His eyes widen at my appearance
    And he calls for his guard. no one comes
    No one is left

    I killed them I said
    And now
    I'm going to kill you

    He runs to his royal chambers
    Locking the doors behind him
    Unknowing of my presence in the room

    Taking down one of the swords from the wall i behead the king
    His limp body falling to the floor.

    I go onto his balcony
    People all around waiting for the daily reading
    See me with his head

    People roar and cheer
    As i hold up his head
    King Thomas is no more

    I hath had my vengance
    My hate satisfied
    My rage cooled
    My family avenged.