• Why is it that people have to hurt?
    That someone you love or care for.
    Is hurting more than you could imagine?
    More than anyone could imagine.

    I used to see little kids on TV
    In wheelchairs, sick, and hurting.
    But I never thought I would see it myself
    Right there in front of me

    This fragile being hurting and in pain
    But still smiling so bright
    With his eyes big and shining
    Like he just saw his hero
    Like he was so happy that
    Everything around him meant nothing

    He is asking for so much
    But wanting so little
    He is strolling around and playing
    But he is still not like the other kids
    He can’t walk or talk right
    But he is still looking at you
    With his eyes big and shining
    Like he just saw his hero.