• Close our eyes
    and believe in something more
    I don't mind
    knowing it's worth fighting for

    It's my time and it's our turn
    Even if we crash and burn
    I'm ready, and finally prepared
    There's no reason for us to be scared
    My beating heart is set to break
    But you're the chance I need to take

    myself and then you if it's forever
    took over constant thoughts of never
    replaced the devil on my shoulder
    I'm falling for this romance disaster

    This isn't destiny
    but I'll admit to fate
    Trapped in reality
    with the choices we'll make

    You're waiting for my final answer
    Desperation showing you still care
    In the voice of timeless reminders
    To the endless skies and ocean air

    And I never thought I would see the day
    when my smile could reflect perfectly
    everything I thought you wouldn't feel
    I looked carefully and saw it was real.

    Waiting for a moment
    We're hanging arm in arm
    Cross our fingers and hope
    that the third time's a charm.