• Who are you, I ask my reflection.

    Who are you?

    The man in the mirror
    The one that resembles me so
    Asks the lone question
    Meeting my gaze with his own

    Arn't I you?

    The man chuckles to himself
    As if having been told a joke
    He gives me an sly grin
    one liken to that of a viper

    In a way, yes. But thats not what I asked. I asked, Who are you?

    I meet his gaze again
    That unshaken gaze
    And the fact he's using my voice
    Doesn't not help settle my unease

    I.........I just don't know anymore. I once thought I was a man, by the name of Trevor. I once had a family, I had friends. I had a life many would die for. Was it ever mine I wonder?

    The man still stares me down
    His gaze never leaving me
    Those brown eyes, the ones that I thought were mine
    Continue to bore down on me

    Hell, how should I know? They may have dump you, abandon your sorry a**. I know I would have. Or maybe....they realized what you were really like. A demon hiding you human skin. A wolf waiting to pounce of the innocent sheep.

    His words sting
    Like the thorns of a rose
    They sink deep into my flesh
    And deeper into my soul

    Thats not true! Not a word of it! I am no demon, nor wolf. I would not harm anyone. I love my family and my friends. They mean more to me this life of mine.

    My fury seeps into my voice
    and red seeks to cloud my vision
    My breath comes and goes
    In short ragged gasp

    He he he he, I'm sure. Or is that just a convinent lie to tell yourself. As a matter of fact I wish you could see yourself. My my, you look ready to kill at this very moment.

    His words only feed my anger
    Fueling my rage
    My vision continues to grow crimson
    My breaths become more labored

    Than let me ask you this, who are you?

    The man smiles
    not to me but to himself
    And his laugh rings loud
    Into the darkness

    Me, I am you of course. Everything you fear about yourself, everything you deny about yourself. I am your rage, I am your anger. I everything you can't speak of to others.

    My face is a painting of shock
    Of pain, and of denial
    Sweat dripps down my horror clenched face
    Stinging my eyes and running into my mouth

    No, you're a lair. You are not me. You wear my face, you use my voice, but you are not me! Damnit you are not me!!

    I shout at the mirror
    Finally able wrench my eyes away from his
    I weep and moan
    Wishing only to deny the turth he speaks

    I am you boy, I am a part of you now and forever. Till the day you die, the day your body withers to dust and scatters to the wind. I be with you right in here, in your mind.

    I finally catch a hold of myself
    For one breif minute
    Than collecting myself
    I meet his eyes once more

    You speak the turth, god I I know you do. As much as it pains me, You are who you say you are. You are me.

    For a long while I don't speak
    And neither does he
    His mocking laughter rings in my hears
    And his wicked smile lingers in my vision

    But you are not all there is.

    My eyes become that of steel
    I glare at him, meeting his steady gaze
    And for the first time since the converstion began
    He blinkes

    You are but a small peice of that which makes up the canvas that is me. That is my soul. Along with you, comes my joy. Comes my sorrow. My pain, my loyalty, my desire, my love, my loneliness. Not just one reflection, makes up me.

    I see his own anger building
    reaching its peak
    In his eyes
    Fire and rage dance together

    Begone, my fury. When I need you I shall call. Till than slick back to your shadows and remain there.

    The image in the mirror fades
    the look of anger fades away in the image
    Soon another takes its place
    Another man that looks like me appears

    I smile at his coming
    And strangely enough he smiles back
    A smile warm and inviting
    A smile I so desire to have

    Nice to meet you, my friend, who would you be?

    The image's smiles widens
    And laughter dances in his eyes
    and he leans forward as much as the mirror allows
    And he whispers a single answer, the one I so desire

    I am you