• Day is ending in this magical place
    We sit there side by side on the soft grass
    As the last colors of the sunset fade away into the deep blue of night
    Darkness slowly creeps up on us
    But we are not afraid of the dark
    In fact that is exactly what we are waiting so patiently for
    The silver white light of the moon begins to shine softly upon us
    It's pure light giving everything a beautiful glow
    Myriads of stars shine brightly above our heads
    The full moon's glow makes it nearly as bright as day
    But we know better, we are creatures born of the night
    Shadows dance playfully about us
    Their soft voices calling for us to join them
    We easily give in to them and our bodies begin to move
    Dancing to a beat so ancient and entrancing
    Our feet must move across the soft grasses
    Winds conduct this most ancient orchestra
    Leading the leaves to play the one song most prized
    The rustling beat so soft and smooth
    We must be silent or we cannot hear it's glorious sound
    Sweet smelling grasses flow gently below our bare feet
    Then the ancient lyrics begin to be heard
    The voices of all the insects and animals sing in the tongues of the ancients
    We do not understand their words but the meaning is clear
    The voice of the wind sings the loudest above our heads
    And the earth hums softly below us
    The message is loud and clear in our ears
    "You are forgiven, now dance freely!"
    It plays forever on the winds that surround us
    And is imprinted into our eternal memory
    It's power ringing on for an eternity
    This single phrase now spoken
    The life long curse is broken
    So now we dance forever
    Bathed in the moon's silver light