• i stand in the dark
    all alone
    and ready for the end to come
    to take me over
    and ruin my true form
    the form that's hidden deep
    the form that i keep
    i stand in the dark
    ready to leave
    to go to the soul
    that's set for me
    the soul that's ready to see
    my true form
    for my true form
    is not the evil you see in me
    its not the sweetness you hear from me
    its not the touch
    that makes you relax
    but the fact
    that you already knew
    you already the fact that im hidden
    that im ready to go
    for end to come
    you knew the fact
    that deep inside
    where i am not hidden
    im not ready to go
    for the only way for me to go
    is for you to leave me
    and tell me to go
    the fact that i was not ready
    because my love for you
    was still there
    deep inside
    when i did not know
    you saved me from darkness
    you saved me from the end
    you've given me the path
    that shall go on
    until you say
    its time for me to go
    but until then my path is set
    as long as you are here with me