• It plays a game in my mind
    Running round and round
    Through tips and turns
    Cheers and boo's
    Aces and spades
    Holding on tight
    But reality hasn't kicked in
    I smile in attempted delight
    But I can't withhold this facade anymore
    A tear drops
    With no hand to catch it
    He's gone
    Left me on the ride
    Left me in the game
    A silly game called cheat
    His newfound lover has
    the circus popcorn
    the poker chips
    the chess pieces
    and the carnival tickets
    While I, the ex
    am left with the
    and Jealousy
    So back to the game
    My escape of reality
    My own non-fiction
    Spin the wheel
    Call the flush
    Check his mate
    Ride that Roller Coaster
    and Appluase
    Stand in the crowd
    Crowd of broken hearts
    And let my tears free
    Shake my Fantasy
    Open my eyes to reality
    And come back to life.