• On that September day.

    On that September day
    Walking into my classroom and seeing my teacher weeping
    I had no clue what was going on.
    The first image I saw was the towers blazing with flames.
    In the heart of Manhattan.
    The question is will our country ever be the same?

    On that September day
    Even though I was only in the fifth grade I was confused.
    But I was glad that our country stood strong.
    I believed it was a terrible sight for the young and the old to see.
    It was pitiful to see all the sorrow.
    Whether you knew someone that died or not everybody was affected.

    On that September day
    Many lives were lost that can't be replaced.
    Moms and dads and sisters and brothers only a picture can bring back their memory.
    They won't ever be forgotten.
    They are the heroes.

    Looking back on that September day the more I grow up, the more I see how big the impact was on our nation.
    But I still haven't realized why?
    Why us?