• ~Cold Fire~
    At Times My Heart turns inward
    And when ever I try to fly the clouds become pavement
    And Their I find my reality
    Sublime and gnowed by hope
    Terible incostancy
    From one fire to the next
    Leaving only ashes in my heart
    Just another burned out testement
    To the supreme futility of hope
    In this world of fantastic irones
    I Still long for your fire
    But only when its me in your eyes
    I am affraid to leave it.
    The cold gave were you put me
    I just need to fade away
    Into serne obscurity
    So if you turn to know and regret it
    And this time whenI fall
    I wont exsept to be caught
    I do remember the euphoric hight
    were my heart left me
    But I Soon Forgot the pain
    Of falling and stricking
    The hard surface of reality
    When you tore off my wings
    I still need your wormth
    But only when its me for seeing
    Im still affraid to leave it
    The shelf were your left me
    The deep resticting place inside
    The melencholy cold in me
    Where you can see your breath
    And pray its your last
    The lonliness is an empty embrace
    In the dark were I lay.
    I can never take back the unsaid words
    They echo so loudly in my head
    I've Been maked by you so well.
    Your memories cling to my mind
    And Stalk into my nights dream
    I keep breathing because you never told me to sleep
    So please dont close your eyes
    I am so content to stay here
    In the dark were you left me
    Drowning in the love you spern
    Spitting Cold Fire...