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Shiro's Journal
This... is me. In a nutshell. ^^;
Weekly Writer (week 2) ... from Jakobo's journal
This week, Jakobo asks a simple question that intrigued me for some reason... [click here to view]

now, it seems just a typical question at first. but something in me just felt that the question hit rather close to home for some reason.

What is the most heroic thing you have done in your life?

Now, growing up, I was the typical child who grew up in a normal environment until my parents divorced when I was eight. Don't worry, it's hardly relevant to the point being asked. Relevant to the point though is that although I do not pride myself in it, my family has had dealings with the criminal element prevalent in Puerto Rico. You name it, drugs, guns, and jail. Thankfully, although some of my relatives were into it, I wasn't, neither was my younger brother. Fast forward from eight, to eighteen. Freshman year in college, second trimester, February of 2002. I was out in the San Juan district partying with a few friends drinking and listening to bands from the local scene. Having to go early since I had a pretty harsh algebra 2 test coming up, I decided to leave in order to study...or so I thought.

Walking to the nearest bus stop, I heard what appeared sobbing coming from an adjacent structure with an ally. I am still not sure if it was my logic failing me, or if the liquor had steeped into my senses, blocking out common sense, but instead of staying away, I walked right into the ally. There I found a homeless man who was crying. A man of probably 25 or more, but looked older due to his worn out t-shirt, raggedy jeans, and his flip flops crouched near a dumpster. The typical look for a junkie in today's Puerto Rico, but the one differing thing about this man is that he was crying... and there was a knife on the floor. He kept repeating to himself "I can't do this, I can't do this, God..." over and over. He didn't realize I was in that ally with him until I spoke, and I knew of this because he was surprised the moment my words got to him. Asking him if he was alright, He looked at me square in the eye, tears running down his face still, and told me that he couldn't do it. Something in me was going to ask what exactly, but instead a yellow light from the corner of my eye caught my attention. watching the glowing 'McDonald's' billboard from the bus stop at the corner of the street, I told the man to not tell me anything, and not to worry... then I asked him if he had had anything to eat. The guy looked at me funny, as if I had asked a humorous question in a humorless moment. I reassured him, told him to follow me, and proclaimed that I was hungry. Instead of eating inside the restaurant, we ate the food we bought from the Micky-Dee's outside; People in the metro area don't like it when scraggly-looking folk enter their restaurants. Sitting on the sidewalk after eating for a bit, he introduced himself. His name was Jorge Olivera. He, like most junkies, was a nomad, moving from place to place, never owning a home, and either sleeping near a shelter or on the streets. After a few minutes of talking, I managed to ask him what had happened back in the ally, although it was unintentional. He looked at me somberly and said "I hadn't eaten in two days. I've been going cold turkey for two days as well, but I just reached my breaking point."

Asking him about the knife back at the ally, he said how he was planning on stealing from the same McDonald's we just bought food from, because the manager there was an asshat and always called the police whenever he came through the drive in asking for food, and how even though he always had the money, they always said no. Still reeling from it all, he then confessed that he was asking God for help, since he had stopped thinking of robbing the place, and instead opted for killing himself then and there and how he felt about it. I don't know where did the words came from, but I managed to tell him how taking his life wasn't and shouldn't be an option. I also told him how we tend to weight the negative in our lives greatly when compared to the good we do. Afterwards, we took the bus to the station, and i payed his ride. He then said the shelter was nearby, while i climbed on the connecting ride to get home. I waved him goodbye and wished him luck, and into the night he went in the direction of where the nearby homeless shelter was.

Four years later I had walked into Borders browsing their books and found a book by John C. Maxwell titled "The Right to Lead: A Study in Character and Courage" By then I had begun to research things for my book (which I wrote about in my previous journal entry) when the guy behind me tapped my shoulder. At first glance i didn't recognize the guy: clean-shaved look, nice haircut, polo shirt, bright smile. It wasn't until he spoke that I finally recognized who it was... It was Jorge.

He told me how that one night made him take up to the streets and change his life. Apparently he was a University Graduate in Electrical Engineering, but once he had finished his studies, fell with the wrong crowd. Doing drugs and such, drove him to do alot of stupid things like blowing off his job, house, car and pretty much everything else. Once again, stumped at the fact that this man is the same guy who four years ago was a junkie living on the streets, I was a bit overwhelmed when he offered me to eat out at chilli's. sweatdrop In four years, he had managed to get back to where he was, had got a grant from the government for his own shop and now was selling and fixing computers, had his house and car. He had even told me how he met a nice lady and how they were going out. Although I was happy for the guy, I was in a state of utter disbelief at the change that had happened. After all that happened that day, Once I got home I decided to read the book I had bought, which until that moment i had completely forgot I purchased. Reading through the many passages, as well as quotes from various famous people, there was a quote by one Arthur Ashe that actually made me think deeply about what transpired.

"True heroism is remarkably sober,
very undramatic. It is not the urge to
surpass all others at whatever the cost,
but the urge to serve others at whatever cost."

Even to this day, I still think of those two very separate events... and I wonder what could have been of Jorge if I had ignored his cry.

sweatdrop Sorry if it seems lengthy.

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commentCommented on: Thu Jan 04, 2007 @ 08:55am
Wow. That brought tears to my eyes, especially the part in the book store.

My dad opened two Christian halfway houses in my town, and I get to see people's lives transforming. This story really hit home because of that, it's not often you get to see a success story. And it must feel really good to know you single-handedly changed that man's life.

It wasn't lengthy, it gives you more time to think while you read it. razz

commentCommented on: Thu Jan 04, 2007 @ 08:01pm
Well, as much as I could pride myself in that one fact, I actually just ponder at how that man changed, period. it also makes me think of how every moment one lives, we ponder at some point in how we could change things in our lives, and how sometimes we wish we could change things that happened in the past. This event showed me that regardless of one's past, it is one's inner good that outshines all the tedious moment of pity, self-doubt, and remorse...

perhaps it's just me romanticizing but still I believe it is that small fraction of good in each of us tthat makes me think that this world still stands today because in every person's inner mind and heart, we still hold on and struggle everyday: because we believe that no matter how small, there's still some good left in this world. And to some, that's what's worth fighting for.

Shiro Nishida
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Party Flamingo
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commentCommented on: Fri Jan 05, 2007 @ 01:38am
That's a story that does a little more than show an act of heroism.
It shows that people can change, which is something that I often forget.
You did save that mans life, even though you probably don't think it was something big.
To him more than anyone, that is something heroic.

commentCommented on: Fri Jan 05, 2007 @ 04:15am

Very nice thing you did there. I won't be surprised if Jakobo makes this his featured entry next week.

Cid High-Wind
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Crystalline Sweets
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commentCommented on: Fri Jan 05, 2007 @ 05:55am
[Note: This is long because of a dumb quote I decided to put in here, but be patient, it says a lot. sweatdrop ]


Just, wow.

I have tears in my eyes.

At first, it took me about two to three reads to actually get this all to soak into my head - not because of the length or anything, but because at first, my mind was in utter disbelief at the whole idea. It just seemed to amazingly crazy, I could've sworn it must've come from a story book. But as I read it again I realised that it must've been real - and how amazing that is.

It reminds me a lot of a story I read in one of the collections of Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul... The one entitled Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Love and Friendship. Somewhere in there if I remember right, there's a story about how just taking the time to listen to someone can change a lot. And really, if you hadn't listened to Jorge in the allyway, a lot of things would be different. And really, it's amazing that you did help someone.

Maybe this is part of God's overall message that we should be, as one of my favorite books say,

commentCommented on: Fri Jan 05, 2007 @ 06:00am

"Orbiting... at a distance... is an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty need idea.

This planet as... a problem, which is this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.

And so the problem remained; lots of people were mean, most of them were miserable, even the ones with digital watches.

Many were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.

And then, one Thursday... one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change..."

... Okay, so it's part of the first page of my favorite novel, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but in a way, it does really apply to that thing I said about God. sweatdrop

But really, thus is my point! This is very representative that we should all show a little love. :3 heart And you did just that through your heroism. And I believe you have one of the best examples of heroism through your story.

(And no arguing that my entry deserves to be in the spotlight! D: Mine is goldfish excrement in comparison.)

So yes, thus concludes my novel of a comment on your story. sweatdrop

(P.S.: You kept stealing my thoughts in everybody's journal entries. How dare you! ;o XD)

Crystalline Sweets
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commentCommented on: Fri Jan 05, 2007 @ 10:11am
It truly is amazing what a little kindness can do. Knowing there's people out there that can appreciate the little things in life - it's so inspiring, and there truly is no words to describe how it feels to be met with such a respect.

That was beautiful, Shiro. heart

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 06, 2007 @ 07:24pm
The quote by Arthur Ashe is giving me some cause for introspection too. Your story is a very dramatic example of how a small thing to one person can have an enormous impact on the life of someone else. I think that's the best reason in the world... to never assume that others are 'just idiots', and always treat them with respect. The same as one small thing can have a large positive impact on someone... one small thing can have a large negative impact on them as well.

You never know what you don't know until you make the effort to find out.

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Shiro Nishida
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 06, 2007 @ 11:17pm
@ Party Flamingo :: At least I'd like to think that people can change when the will to change is actually present in them. Not always is that the case, but every once in awhile, it happens. Even now, I think it was nothing big; I just bought a man food and let him speak out. Then I gave him some advice. It's a sad reality we live in, where if you're an outcast, people treat you like a leper.

@ Cid High-Wind :: Actually, I would b surprised if I do get "spotlighted." Call me overly modest if you like, but I find Crystalline Sweets' story, as well as Editor's and Elindranyth's stories as something more. Mine might be a "success" story like philipo stated, but take for example Editor's. Hers is a story about taking a stand against the poignant vulgarities that racial denigration causes in our society. Take Eli's story of Hopelessness for example; being unable to be there for the people you cherish most when they need you. Take Crystalline Sweets' story about how helping people border-lining on suicide can have it's toll on your psyche to the point where you might even feel the emotionless void of depression... then again, it might be just me xp

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 06, 2007 @ 11:25pm
@ Crystalline Sweets :: Truth can be stranger than fiction. sweatdrop and I should get to read that story from chicken soup for the teenage soul then. surprised ... (it's not any kind of excrement, you person! D:< ) oh, and HhGttG FTW! heart (...and darn it! I'm not stealing anybody's thoughts! gonk )

@ Timetripper :: A little love can get you a long way. :3 heart

@ Kava :: Perhaps arthur Ashe's quote gave you something to introspect about, but this:
"You never know what you don't know until you make the effort to find out." is giving ME cause to introspect too. xd

Shiro Nishida
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commentCommented on: Tue Jan 09, 2007 @ 09:35pm
*grins* It wasn't the intention, but I'm glad. I like to make people think. *chuckles* I'm glad Jakobo started his weekly journal entries. It's giving us all a chance to find one another and share stories and thoughts. ^-^

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 10, 2007 @ 11:38pm
That is amazing. I read this because I am subscribed to Jakabo's journal (had been for a while) and when I saw this...wow. This is amazing. You are truly to be commended.

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commentCommented on: Thu Jan 11, 2007 @ 06:59pm
Wow, that is so awesome and inspiring! Who knew simply talking to someone could change their life so much? We should all learn from your example and try to be a little more compassionate. :]

commentCommented on: Fri Jan 12, 2007 @ 12:31am
That was an amazing story! I really was and i'm so glad you shared. I always wonder and hope that someday I could influence someone's life as greatly as you did. heart

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Genesis Rockhide
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 07:03am
Words and retina control almost fail me. eek ; *1 tears*

Wait, so you mean Jakobo stalks our Journals? ninja

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 08:11am
Kava :: I'm glad Jakobo started this whole thing indeed. :3

Candy_Chimes_Gurl :: I don't think I should be worth of commending et all, but I can't choose what other people want to say now can I? sweatdrop

Puddum :: well...I didn't know back then... sweatdrop I do now though .

JadeDragonSoul :: Wether you believe it or not, we influence others every single day of our lives... Steve Farrar once said this:

"Every significant relationship in your life
has your fingerprints all over it--
the fingerprints of your character. And those impressions
on another person's life are true indications
of what your character is like."

Genesis :: xD; Jakobo likes stalking journals AND profiles. It's not just Fleep y'know?

Shiro Nishida
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Hello Soma
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commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 09:30am
Thank you for sharing your story with us. I have tears in my eyes, but I feel inspired by your selfless act.

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 12:35pm
Wah <3. I can't believe how he'd remember you or how you'd remember his voice~ *____* But it's really awesome that you got to know what happened to him and that it was for the best~ heart

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The Mareep
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commentCommented on: Mon Jan 15, 2007 @ 12:25pm



I am truly inspired by this, thank you very much. People like you is what the world needs BADLY.

So many poor people here in the Philippines too, sadly.


I'll do whatever I can to help from now on, maybe start by studying harder and giving my friends advice and encourage them to stay at school at at all costs. I think small things like that change people's lives too.

Anyway, kudos to you~!

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 16, 2007 @ 05:39pm
Wow, Shiro... I'm so happy you were able to hear that guy and to help him out like that. It's so beautiful, it's like something out of a storybook. whee

Seriously, this story made me all teary-eyed. crying Wonderful job writing, but more importantly, wonderful job helping out a fellow human being. heart

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commentCommented on: Wed Jan 17, 2007 @ 07:23am
I only wish that I could make that kind of a difference. I'm so happy for you, and for him. heart

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 17, 2007 @ 08:48am
Wow. >.<

I will make a difference like that someday!

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Shiro Nishida
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commentCommented on: Thu Jan 18, 2007 @ 06:10am
Hello Sohma :: I'm glad you enjoyed reading through it sweatdrop

ilmenhin :: sweatdrop it so happens I have slight Synesthesia of sound/color kind as in I can recognize certain sounds by their "color" instead of just sound. .__.;

Mika shimokawa :: eek exclaim ... eh, I'm not that awesome sweatdrop I'm just some normal guy who helped another guy... anyone can do it. Even so, encouraging your friends to stay in school as well as give them advice is a really good thing to do. 3nodding hope your endeavors go well!

Iyou :: eek exclaim IYOU! D: ... thanks for the compliments. Much to kind from you redface

damiel42 :: know this: everyday, every good deed you do in one way or another affects others in a positive way. even if it's just giving advice to someone, or just listening to someone tell you something important. maybe one day you'll notice the change you've helped to make by your actions :3

krnchichiri :: hopefully you will...and if it ever does happen, I hope I could be able to read about it smile

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