• There once was a penguin, He was very tired from a full day of swimming around and fishing, he had a very full belly and wanted to take a really long nap but when he came out of the water, all he could find was a single iceberg and it was a very stormy night so he didn't feel like finding land... he was a very lazy penguin since he did sleep thru a whole week of storming... when he finally woke up he was off the coast of gambino.

    He dove down into the warm topical waters and reveled in the sheer amount of fish he was finding to eat. His swimming after fish brought him to a small island with a casino built upon it. He had never seen gaian buildings before and even though it smelled rather bad to him, he went to go investigate them anyways. Next thing he knew, he was hit over the head by a Yokai's Treasure (club).

    When he awoke next, he saw another penguin and was excited because he was no longer alone! She was the most beautiful female penguin too. He tried to get to her but found he was trapped in a cage. He watched her for an hour. She was unmoving the whole time and laying on her tummy in an odd way. Then a huge gaian came walking in with a very sharp sword. He picked up the female penguin and she remained unmoving in the gaian's hands. The little male penguin watched in horror as the gaian slipped his right foot into the female penguin's back and walked over to his cage katana in hand.

    5 hours and 600 stitches later, the little male penguin was finally united with the female penguin. He would now always remain a pair with her. She on the right foot and he on the left foot. Fuzzy Penguin Slippers forever!