• General Introductions Suck: but here’s one anyways

    Monday. I’m fighting two elements here, well actually three. The first, I had a very late night and a very early morning. I don’t know what it is lately but I’ve been having the worst time trying to fall asleep lately. I can’t seem to clear my head long enough to reach REM sleep (that’s the Rapid Eye Movement stage of sleep that you reach after deep sleep). Then, when I do fall asleep, I wake up two hours later and have to start the entire process over again. Secondly, I had a test I didn’t study for, AT ALL!
    The third is Peter. Now I know you’re wondering, “who the hell is Peter?” so let me describe him. He is five foot seven. He’s not fat or even chubby. He’s, well as he likes to say, “A week in the gym away from a six pack!” He has strong shoulders and arms that give the world’s best hugs. I mean it! A girl could feel mighty safe with his arms around her! He has a round face with blue eyes and short brown hair. He has scruffy facial hair –I’d hate it if he shaved. He even has a nice butt, well for a guy! He is PERFECT! He is nice, smart, laidback and passionate about his hobbies. He can sing too- he just won’t admit to it! He acts! All in all, he is my dream man! Other than Johnny Depp of course! I’m just afraid of…unrequited love.
    Oh here I am going on and on about my personal life and I haven’t even introduced myself! My name is Amelia Marsin. I am 19 years old and I go to New York University. Trust me though, I’m not as rich or as smart as that sounds. In fact, it’s a shocker I got into this school. I applied on a whim. What could it hurt? I thought. But, I got in. They said I was on the line of acceptable and rejectable (my words not theirs), but that it was my extracurricular activity and my community service that pushed me into the acceptable side. I personally think it was a diversity thing. I mean, honestly, how many Jewish girls do you know that are half black? In my experience it was just me and the girl who lived in my mirror! I’m a very timid person, sort of. My mother describes it as “external shyness with a hint of internal expressiveness”! This meant that I was only outgoing when I had to be. I could easily make friends and I am a well liked, well rounded person. On the downside, I get very overwhelmed by being the constant center of attention, so I’m quiet. You see, I have General Anxiety Disorder, which means exactly how it sounds. It was that diagnosis that explained my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. If I get overwhelmed, I would have an anxiety attack then go wash my hands ten times. Sometimes I would reorganize things into different catagories. And other strange rituals like that. The positive side of all this was, I take the world’s best notes. I have people knocking down my door begging to borrow or even buy my notes! I have clean crisp outlines, color coded graphs, and personal explanations. It was like I was writing an abridged textbook.
    I could be a writer or even a designer if I wanted to, but my passion was something that was all about disorder and being messy. Something that let me be the opposite of who I really was. I want to be an Actress! A Broadway Actress. It wasn’t a far stretch, I could sing and dance. And I can memorize things faster than anyone else I know. I just have this crazy dream of walking up to a stage to accept an Oscar for Best Actress or something. Dumb, I know, but my dreams a kinda all I got going for me right now.
    Oh by the way, if you haven’t noticed, you have no idea what I look like. Well, now you will! I’m five foot four... ish, average body type. Long brown hair, with burgundy peek-a-boo highlights. Brown eyes, full lips, and a nose that I have yet to grow into. Physically, my good parts are my big boobs and my booty. Other than that, I’m really boring.
    But somehow, that might be working for me.