“Your end of the year project is worth half your grade so take this one seriously.” The teacher was going on about the last big project of the year.
Sasha and Ziro listened like the rest of the class, but were struggling to keep their eyes open.
“Partners are: Mikhail Youdavich and Chaises Samuels, Samuel Johnston and Christina Huard, Sasha McHevlton and Zironachinatialia Christopher…”
When the two heard their names their heads both shot up to meet the others eyes.
Ziro gave Sasha a thumbs up and she gave him her biggest smile in return.
“Now for the time period you will look up and do your report on: Mikhail Youdavich and Chaises Samuels you have Ancient Egypt, Samuel Johnston and Christina Huard you have Mesopotamia, Sasha McHevlton and Zironachinatialia Christopher you have 10,000 B.C…”
The two friends looked to one another again and they both shrugged.
“Now, you can use any type of modern technology for research except for the Time Ways. If you do use the Time Ways you will fail. No exceptions.”
Right as her last word came out the bell rang.
“Children may leave now. School is done for the day. Thank you for coming to Kishimoto High School.”
That was what they had for bells in 2113; a polite robot voice.
“Wow. You think 10,000 B.C will be awesome?” Ziro asked as he and Sasha walked home.
They were best friends; it’d been that way since Sasha had saved his butt in the fourth grade. Now they were sixteen and in high school, but she still saved his sorry butt on occasion.
You’d never guessed that Sasha could kill you from her appearance. The long, light brown hair and navy blue eyes threw you off a little. You can tell from the excessive use of the color black in clothing and make-up and the chains that are almost always present on her. Or you can look for her four pierceings on her lobes and one in her cartilage on the right side.
Ziro had a much different appearance. His shaggy, dirty blonde hair and light, green eyes made him appear harmless, like he was. With his striped polo shirts and kaki pants, he was the optimal target for bullies.
“We don’t get to actually go there, Ziro.” Sasha answered as she twitched her left index finger to change the song playing on her internal iPod.
“Do you want a good grade or not?” Ziro asked as he stepped in front of her. She stopped and stared at him, like she was studying a science project.
“What are you implying?” She asked and twitched her right pinky finger to turn off her iPod.
Ziro smiled and leaned closer to her so he could whisper it to her in case anyone else was around, “We can take the Time Ways and go back to do it.” When he finished he leaned away and saw Sasha staring at him.
“What if we get caught?” She asked.
“We won’t.” Ziro answered simply.
“You have to be twenty-one or older to even go on the Time Ways, supervision or not.” She pointed out.
“We go at night so no one will know.” Ziro countered.
“What about our Tracker Rings?” Sasha asked and held up her right hand to display hers, but it wasn’t there.
Ziro smiled and pointed to the bushes next to them. He had taken off both their rings and tossed them in the bushes.
“That’s easy. When you leave on your hover board you fly around in circles for awhile then toss your tracker in.” He said with a growing smile.
“Do our hover boards go fast enough?” She asked and rolled her eyes.
Ziro nodded, “Mine does and you have the same model, right?”
Sasha nodded her head with a loud sigh.
“Great! Meet me at Time Way 42 tonight at midnight.” He said as he started to walk over to get their rings.
“Why midnight? Barely anyone uses that Time Way.” Sasha said as she went to join him.
“People do, but no ones ever around there at midnight.” Ziro said and grabbed their rings from a bush. He handed Sasha hers and she slipped it back over her finger and rubbed it.
“Don’t be so scared. We’ll be fine.” Ziro reassured her.
That night at eleven fifty-five Sasha grabbed her hover board and her black ski cap, even though she didn’t wear it. She walked over to her third story window and opened it up. She took a deep breath of fresh, night air and set the board outside the window. It fell a few feet before bouncing back up to where it was set. Sasha climbed out the window and sat on it. She shut her window before standing up and zooming out over the nearby forest. Just like Ziro had said she circled a few times and enjoyed herself as she did.
Sasha loved to go out hover boarding at night and breathe in the cold air and feel it rush through her hair and rustle her clothes. After a few minuets she took her ring off and tossed it into the dark forest below. She watched it fall and get smaller and smaller until it was no more than a little gold fleck. When it finally disappeared completely she turned on her board and sped off towards Time Way 42.
It was eleven fifty-eight before Ziro bothered to get ready. He’d chosen for them to meet at Time Way 42 because he lived right next to it. Having gotten ready so close to the meeting time wasn’t a problem, he still got there before Sasha.
Sasha finally zoomed up to meet him at three past midnight.
“Ready?” He asked.
Sasha took a deep breath and nodded.
They were at a Time Way that was not used very much. The government was thinking about building something over it.
Time Ways were like highways, but at the end there’s a portal that leads back in time. You’re not told how to direct yourself to the time you want until you’re twenty-one for problems when they first came out forty years ago.
“Okay, remember to go at top speed or you’ll get killed going through the tunnel. Let’s go.” Ziro said and took his spot at the far end of the Time Way. When he looked down to the other end he saw the portal swirling in a giant circle.
Sasha took her place next to him and got ready.
“3… 2… 1… Go!” Ziro said and the two friends shot off at top speed down the Time Way. They could feel there hover boards get hot from in their shoes and knew they were pushing it.
Just before the board’s lifters burnt out they both shot through the portal.
Time slowed and a sticky feeling came over the two. Their boards slowed down and cooled. Ziro inched his way over to Sasha.
“We’re in…” He mumbled to her.
She nodded as she looked around in awe at the colors, red, white, blue, and purple all swirling together in a mixture around them.
Before they got much of a chance to take it all in they fell to the ground.
“Ow.” Sasha muttered as she rubbed her head where she had hit the hard concrete.
“Are you okay?” Ziro asked. He had been lucky enough to catch himself and land on his feet. He offered Sasha his hand which she gratefully took. When they stood up and looked around they didn’t know where they were, or where their hover boards had gone.
“Are we there?” Sasha asked Ziro quietly.
Just then a man wearing a loin cloth ran by laughing like a maniac.
“I guess we’re here.” Ziro muttered.
“Cute girlfriend.” A voice came from behind them. They both spun around as fast as they could and stood facing another man. This one was wearing a long white coat and had a golden tooth. He also had on giant gold money sign glasses and a medallion.
“You taking her to a party?” He asked.
“N-no.” Ziro stuttered and shook his head.
“Then can I take her? And I don’t mean a party with a lot of people, or any people really.” The man said and smiled seductively at Sasha.
She made an “ew” face as Ziro answered, “We’re actually working on a school project.”
“Have fun.” The guy said and blew a kiss to Sasha before leaving.
“I don’t think we’re in 10,000 B.C.” Sasha said once the guy was gone.
Ziro had a worried look on his face, but he slowly nodded.
“What are we going to do?!” Sasha asked. “We don’t know how to open the portal back up and neither of us knows how to call the future from here! I don’t even know where ‘here’ is!!” She was starting to scream.
Ziro grabbed her shoulders to calm her and looked into her dark blue eyes, “We’ll be fine. We’ll get home. As of now we’re just two ordinary kids from this time period, okay? Later we’ll concern ourselves with a place to stay. It seems there are parties going on. If we sneak into one there’ll be food and drinks. We’ll start there. Got it?” He asked firmly speaking slowly so Sasha could keep up in her worried state.
She swallowed and nodded her head, “Let’s find out what time this is and go to a party.” She agreed.
Ziro nodded and stopped a man who was jogging down the street,
“I’m sorry, sir, but could you tell me what the date is?” He asked politely.
“Yeah, yeah. October 31st.” He answered.
“And the year?” Ziro prompted.
“2008… what else?” The man gave Ziro a weird look like he was trying to figure him out.
“Where is this place?” Ziro asked.
The man smiled like he had been waiting his whole life to answer that one question, “This, my friend, is New York city. The greatest place on earth, if you ask me.” He said and as he did he took Ziro by the shoulder and spread his hand out over the view of the city like he was painting it then with his hand.
“You from out of state?” The man said as he let go of Ziro and smiled some more.
“You could say that.” It was Sasha who spoke this time. The man looked over to her and smiled.
“Well, have a Happy Halloween.” The man said and took off jogging again.
“We’re in the 21st century! It’s Halloween! I’ve always wanted to celebrate Halloween! Let’s go to a party! Come on Ziro!” Sasha said happily as she grabbed his wrist and began to pull him down the street with her. The first building she saw with flashing strobe lights and loud music coming from she made a beeline for.
“Stay close to me. And don’t take anything anyone offers you, mmmk?” Sasha said to Ziro as she dragged him towards to entrance.
“Stop. Names?” The bouncer asked them when they reached the door. Ziro opened his mouth to speak; but Sasha clamped her hand over it. She opened her mouth to answer, but the bouncer held up his fat hand with a smile, “Lady’s in charge, I like that. Go ahead. Keep that boy in line.” He said and pulled back the red velvet rope and winked at Sasha as she pulled Ziro into the club with her.
Ziro shaded his eyes from the blinking strobe lighting, but Sasha stared at it in awe, her eyes hungrily taking in everything.
“Come on you lamo! Don’t tell me that you’ve never heard of Halloween?” Sasha said smirking at Ziro.
He blushed and hid is eyes, “No…” He said quietly.
“This is what happens every year on October 31st. They all get together and have parties. Well… not everyone all at the same place, but they go to different places. It’s kinda complicated, but they're fun parties! Let’s dance!” She explained and grabbed Ziro’s hand and pulled him onto the dance floor. Ziro watched as she moved her hips around with her hands in the air and got to see quite a bit of her bare midriff.
‘Snap out of it! She’s your best friend!’ He told himself and tried to concentrate on his dancing by looking around to see what the other guys were doing.
‘Oh great… They’re staring at girls’ too.’ He thought and rolled his eyes. He smiled and noticed Sasha staring at him.
“Hey Sasha I’m going to go hang out by that table thingy. Okay?” Ziro asked as he stopped dancing.
Sasha broke from her trance and looked to him with a big smile, “Yeah totally. Have fun, okay?” She asked. Ziro nodded and they split up.
Sasha watched Ziro disappear into the crowd and hoped he knew what he was getting into with all these strangers.
‘I hope he doesn’t get into a fight…’ She thought as she watched. Once he disappeared she turned around and scanned the dance floor looking for another partner to dance with.
“Need a dance partner?” A voice asked from behind her. She swung around and found herself facing a boy about her age with light, brown hair and really, well, hot green eyes and his smile was to die for.
“Sure. Are you up for it?” She asked with a sly smile.
The boy smiled back with his beautiful smile and perfect white teeth, “Defiantly.”
Sasha took him by the hand onto the dance floor and began to move her hips like before. The boy put his hands on her hips and swayed with her to the beat.
“By the way, I’m Kumo.” The boy smiled again.
God, he needed to stop doing that. It was driving Sasha crazy.
“I’m Sasha.” She answered with a smile that she hoped was equally as hot as his. Then the song switched. It was now “Innocence” by Avril Lavigne. Since it was a slow song they both took a moment to change their stances. Sasha snaked her arms around Kumo’s neck. He smirked as he slipped his hands the full way around her waist.
Ziro sat himself down at the counter and wondered what to do now. Maybe this was like the stores back home where you tell it where you want to go or describe what you’re looking for? It was possible.
Just in case though, Ziro stayed silent.
“What can I getcha’?” A man asked him as he came by and began to rub the counter with a wet rag. Or, at least, Ziro assumed it would be wet because he appeared to be cleaning.
“What do you mean?” Ziro asked dumb founded.
The man laughed and smiled at him, “This is the bar, buddy. I can get you a drink.” He said with another short laugh.
Ziro nodded, “Get me… whatever you usually have.” He said and smiled at the guy. Ziro still had no idea what this “bar” was, but the people around him seemed happy enough to be there so he imagined whatever they served wasn’t that bad.
“Here ya go, buddy. Exactly what I always have.” The man said as he returned with a drink and set it down in front of Ziro. It was a clear liquid and Ziro didn’t hesitate just picked it up off the counter and drank.
He pulled the glass away from his lips with an “yuck” expression and the man laughed again,
“What? You never try Sprite with Vodka?” He asked and laughed some more.
Ziro shook his head, “No. I haven’t.” He answered. He didn’t even know what “Sprite” or “Vodka” were.
“Well than try a little more. It takes awhile to get use to the flavor. I’m sure after a little you’ll really love the stuff.” The bartender said and gave Ziro another smile. Ziro just shrugged his shoulders as he took another swig.
Kumo’s smile was so radiant Sasha thought she might go blind.
“Chug! Chug!” The two of them heard voices come from towards the bar.
“Looks like some poor sucker is getting drunk at the bar.” Kumo said and smiled.
“Let’s go see.” He finished and took Sasha by the hand and over to see what was up.
Ziro belched again as he took the last sip of his seventh drink. Or was it tenth? He couldn’t make out a lot around him, but what he did see was lots of people around him. What were they saying?
“Ziro!” He heard one of them yell. He recognized the voice, but it seemed so far away.
One of the faces started to become more distinct then the others in the crowd.
“Sasha?” Ziro asked tiredly. He knew his voice made her name sound more like. Sssssasssshssa.
“What did you do?” She asked as she caught him. He hadn’t even realized he was falling.
“This a friend of yours?” A guy asked coming out from the mob and standing by Sasha.
She nodded as she gathered Ziro up in her arms.
“Can you help me get him out of here?” She asked.
“Sure.” Kumo answered.
“Hey! He hasn’t paid for his eleven drinks!” The bartender said angrily.
Kumo tossed him a couple fifties, “Keep the change!” He called over his shoulder as he helped Sasha carry Ziro out of the club.
They carried him all the way to the park and set him down on a bench.
Sasha sighed as she reached in her backpack thankful she’d brought a ton of medicines from the future.
“Drink.” She commanded Ziro sternly. What she was giving him would get rid of the drunkenness and the hangover for the next day.
Ziro drank the liquid then fell asleep.
“So how do you know him?” Kumo asked her as she and he sat on the ground near the bench.
“We’re good friends. I’ve known him since fourth grade and I save his butt all the time.” She answered.
Kumo laughed and draped his arm around her and held her close,
“You’re, by far, the most amazing girl I’ve ever met. Where have you been all this time?” He asked her as he leaned in close. So close Sasha could feel his breath on her face like a warm breeze on the beach back home.
They both began to lean towards each other slowly, wanting to savor the moment.
They were getting closer and closer.
Almost there.
Sasha prepared herself for the warm feeling of his lips against hers. She waited eagerly for them to become one.
“Sasha?” She heard a groggy voice call.
She sighed and got up. Kumo looked distressed, but she left him to go check on Ziro.
“Yeah?” She asked kneeling next to the bench.
“Thanks. For getting me out of there. I’m sorry I was such an idiot. It looked like water.” He apologized, still looking really tired.
Sasha nodded, “Just go back to sleep. We’ll figure out how to get home tomorrow. Or maybe next week.” She promised.
Ziro didn’t catch the last part, but he didn’t have the energy to concern himself with that right now. He passed out again on the bench.
Sasha smiled and stood up and walked back over to Kumo.
He smiled at her, “Where were we?” He began to lean in again to kiss her and despite how much Sasha wanted him to kiss her she pushed him back gently.
Kumo looked to her with a mixture of confusion, concern and hurt.
“I’m just really tired and we just met.” She said quietly.
Kumo nodded understandingly, “Okay. We’ll go slower. Is your friend okay?” He asked.
Sasha nodded, “He’s so wasted, but he’ll be fine.” She answered.
“What’s his name?” Kumo asked as Sasha snuggled into his chest.
“Zironachinatialia.” Sasha answered.
“Wow. What?” Kumo asked as he pushed her back a little so he could see her face.
She gave him that adorable smile that drove him crazy, “Just call him Ziro.” She said and snuggled back to his chest again. He nodded and rested his head on top of hers and kissed the crown of her head.
Sasha smiled and kissed Kumo’s cheek.
Why couldn’t she just stay in this time forever? She loved it here! She didn’t want to just send Ziro back and have him finish the project on his own or get in trouble for using the Time Ways. She had to go back, no matter how much she wanted to stay. Maybe she could convince Ziro to stay too? It was possible. She’d talk it over with him. For now she was just going to sleep tight in Kumo’s arms.
- by nanookypoo |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/07/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Time Change
- Artist: nanookypoo
I realize the title is lame and I need to work on coming up with a new one ^___^
If you have a suggestion for a better title tell me ^^
Please don't steal this is mine and 11% mine. I made it up and all of the characters are just my imagination put on paper. Thank you ^^
Also sorry for Ziro's long name just go "nananana" when you reach it XDD - Date: 08/07/2008
- Tags: ziro sasha kumo funny future
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Voluptuously - 10/13/2010
- <.< Sounds like a spin off of the book the Uglies if you ask me.... well at least to me..
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- CabooseSkitso_ILikeMe - 12/15/2008
- That was super cool dude. I like it. 5/5
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