• Hello. This is a fictional biography of Alina Niores Senora. It tells a story of her life. Which you will soon find out about. I want to start you out with an introduction first so you will know what you are reading about. You are reading the introduction right now to tell you that! You will love this story. As it is filled with drama, fun, love, and ofcourse, fantasy! Well lets move on past the introduction and move on to the story.

    November 19, 1995 was the year that Alina Niores Senora was born. She was born in Paris, France in an orphanage. She was an intellegent little girl, when she was only 4 she was adopted by rich foster parents and was raised with 4 other little girls that were 6, 8, 12, and 17. By the time Alina was 8 years old she grew interest in dancing! All she did was dance, Mrs. Vivia A. Ittamenz, ( Alina's foster mom ), signed her up for ballet. She has been doing ballet for 5 years. Her favorite cartoon is Linezza Aonara, ( Iliza Magicia ), in 2007 on her 12th birthday she went on a world tour. Even though she didnt go around the whole world though. She just went to half atleast a few quarters in a day. She visited Georgia, she visited Asia, she visited a lot of places. To include Las Vegas and NYC. By the time she got back from her world tour it was 4:30 AM and she had to get ready to go to bed because she goes to ballet practice in 4 hours! so she took her butt to bed as soon as she woke up, but..... she couldn't go to bed. She struggled to go to bed, she tried and tried and tried and tried but nothing ever worked. She tried cutting all the lights off, that didn't work, she tried putting the pillow over her face, that didn't work, then she finally had to say..... WHAT IN THIS WORLD WILL WORK??!! "Shh!! don't yell Alina! its 4:57 in the morning have some consideration for the rest of us honey, uh goodnight." My mom told me. "Ok, mom, I'll try, but mom the problem is I just can't go to bed! I try, and I try, and I try, and I try! but I just can't go to bed!" I said. "Well honey please try harder, because the girls, and to include your father and I are trying to get some rest! so please, try hard to go back to sleep! and if your struggling, struggle a bit quieter ok?" "Sigh, I guess it's not hard to give it a shot." "That's the spirit honey! now go back to bed you have ballet in 3 in a half hours. Love you dear." "Love you mom." "Goodnight." "Same to you." So in three hours she had to wake up and go to ballet. "Good bye mom!" "Good bye Alina!" So, lets skip going to the ballet and go on ahead to the next few years.
    July 5, 2008 had came and gone. Her birthday came and gone again to. So there moved on the next year 2009, What a wondrous year it is for Alina. She went shopping on her birthday, she went partying on her birthday. And in two years she will be 16! Well that's pretty much all I have to say right now for little miss Alina. If you girls and guys want to hear the rest of the story please feel free to pm me! And I will be more than happy to write the rest of the story! I'll see you again everyone! and you will more than likely see Alina again to! smile