• there was once a story of how the first werewolf came to be. there had been reports of a creature killing everything in its path then sucking it dry. They said it was a vampire, but there was a man named charels far up south that lived by the woods who simpley thought " there all crazy." He went to a cavern that night. He overheard some men talking about this creature. "I hear that that things wandering the woods up south!" a man said. "It's been killing and running, I think its a vampire on the count of it sucking its victums dry."
    "HA!" said charels. "You fools think that its a vampire!" -laughter- "I live up south so i'll let my dog find this so called "vampire" and proove that its nothing more than a crazed loon who got hit in the head to hard."
    so that night Charels let his dog out on a chain to see what it could find.
    well that night he heard someone or something creaping outside. then a horrible blood curdling -HISS- then all ran silent the dog had been lost for about 2 days before found in the old shed. it was hungry and limp, But alive.
    Charels called a vet. he came over as quick as he could.
    "I think hes sick" said the vet.
    "Its was like nothing i have ever heard i dont know what did this to him but its not of this earth."
    then all went silent...
    something started to move in the dogs uper neck.
    and what happen after that has yet to be uncoverd.
    but all we found of charels and the vet.
    to boddies torn apart limb by limb. bones..... snapped and crushed.
    and a small bit of fur...