• “Define Art”
    “I think she said something about art”
    “Art is when you draw or paint or sculpt something.”
    “She’s got no idea what she’s talkin bout.”
    “Excuse me Ms. Lowe, I know what Art is,” A tall brunette said standing up with the grace that is only possessed by great dancers like herself. “Art is something that evokes great passion. Art isn’t something to be taken literal. Well not always,” the girl said smiling dramatically. "Art is like love. There are so many forms and so many people do it, that it’s hard to put a definition to it.”
    “Art is Love”
    “Thank you sir, but I believe this young Miss was speaking.”
    “He’s right and by the way Ms. Lowe my name is Stephanie and his name is Eric.”
    Bring, the bell sounded.
    “Thank You Ms. Stephanie.”
    Her high tops squeaked as she walked along the newly cleaned floors. The hallway reeked of spam.
    “Hey Eric, close your mouth I smell your breakfast.” The boy’s mouth shut with a snap.
    “See you got a new one.”
    “Yeah,” Stephanie said fingering the bandage from her latest body art. “You should come with me next time. The girls at the shop would really love you.”
    “Gee thanks for the invitation.” A locker slammed behind the boy and he shuddered.
    “What you scared of? Let’s hope not girls.”
    “Don’t put your insecurities on me. Just because you think that all boys are out to get you, doesn’t mean that I’m afraid of girls now.”
    “Screw you Eric.”
    “Yeah Love you to Steph. The boy giggled and nearly choked on his water. Then his face turned very serious and he said,” So I heard Chris was asking the whole track team about you.”
    “You know one day I’m going to kill you for doing that, and I won’t be my fought, because I warned you.”
    “Hay Stephanie,”
    “Oh hay Eli, What’s up?”
    “Nothing much see you got your new tatt.”
    “What’s it of?”
    “A howling wolf.”
    “So sort of like lone wolf kinda thing.”
    Eric coughed and Stephanie made a rude gesture behind her back.
    “I like it. Maybe next time I’ll go with you to get mine.”
    Raucous laughter was suddenly heard and the hallways filled with cheering students.
    Eli was pushed against Stephanie, who was slammed against a locker. Hard. “Hay dude, watch were you’re goin,” she yelled at a boy who quickly shrank back, a whispered apology on his lips.
    “And were going to beat Southern!” Chris yelled.
    “Sure they will,” Eric whispered. Stephanie kicked him.
    “They’ll be running home with their tails between their legs and crying to their mommies”
    The crowd roared.
    Eli was beet red. See you later Stephanie. He had a ridiculous smile on his face. He had held her for a brief second. So brief that she had failed to realize it, in her haste to reprimand the pusher.