• Once there was a girl...

    She had a true love; as do us all...

    He was leaving for the war one day though...

    He said, "I give thee a red rose — don't let it go until I return, my love."

    He took her hands in his. "I will always love you. No matter what happens to us."

    A tears rolled down her cheeks. She shook her head, "No, you don't have to go. You can stay here and we can live together happily. Forever."

    He closed his eyes and shook his head, "No my love, we cannot. It must be this way—"

    "No it shant! I love you." She paused. "For you may not return to me one day... What if you d-d...." She couldn't finish her sentence. He kissed her good-bye and then borded his train. She started sobbing hard as his train left. "Good-bye my one and only love. I shant ever forget thee... If you come back or not." She wispered as the train left.

    She sniffed the rose he gave her, and slowly walked out of the train station.

    She waited and waited for months... It seemed as if they were years though. She ate, slept, and held onto that rose. Thats all.

    One day she received a letter. It read:
    We are sorry to inform you, Ms. Samantha Hodges, that George Burns has died. He—

    Samantha couldn't read anymore. Her sobs were ripping through her like mad. Tears like waterfalls going down her cheeks. She grabbed the knife off the counter, and in her haste, dropped the now, black rose.


    The day George walked through the door would have been a miracle. Too bad Samantha was dead by her own hand — she would have jumped into his arms. But no one was jumping with joy in this little house.

    "Where is Samantha?" George asked panicked.

    "She has left us." Samantha's father responded in a sad, grim voice.

    The person who had sent the letter addressed it to the wrong address. Right names, wrong recipient. People in that war were dropping like flies — fast and easy. Many notes were sent to women about their husbands, or loves dying there.

    "I guess she wasn't planing to out live thee by long. She killed herself right after she got the note — not long enough to wait for the next one; saying you were alive and well. They apologized," Said her father. "But they have no excuse for what they made her do."

    Geroge looked down at his broken right arm. Tears now roling down his cheeks. He opened his clenched left fist and looked at the ring it held.