• Tobi ran to the crys that sounded like they came from delila "oh no please no not sempi" he chanted to himself running till he got to the door where he heard the crys,he stopped at seeing deidara on the floor pale and lifeless "se sempi" tobi said walking towrds delila. He fell to his kneas and grabbed deidara's hand which was as cold as ice "tobi common we gotta go,so she can be alone" sasori told tobi patting him on the shoulder "ok" tobi said a tear escaping his mask. They walked out of the room and closed the door just then corey came around the hall "oh there you are tobi i've been looking for you" he said panting "what for" tobi asked confused wiping some tears off, "just fallow me ******** tart you made me run all the dumb way here" corey scolded tobi. They walked to corey's hospital "it's about tanya" he told them "what about tanya is she ok" tobi asked worridly "don't worry she's fine actaully she's more then fine she's really happy,and i think you'll be too" tobi and sasori shared confused glances. They walked threw a door where tanya was sitting in with a blanket in her arms "tanya whats wrong" tobi asked worridly "tobi look it's tina" she said giglly crying "huh" tobi said blankly confused tanya giggled and as tobi sat down next to her she handed him the thing in the blanket, it was a tiny infint that looked like tobi but a girl "it's your daughter well our daughter" tanya said proudly "her names tina" tobi looked at the girl in his arms"wow really me a dad thats" tanya took off his mask and saw a hudge smile across his face.