• The old house stood there for many generations, sad and forlorn in the middle of the forest. The old woman had been alive presumably as long if not longer. The villagers were unaware of any imposing threat and lived peacefully through the ages. The occasional child would go missing but no one would notice. Maybe if they had the events that occurred those dismal winter months would not have occurred.
    Greta was a healthy child with a loving mother, a hardworking father and an older sister named Lenah who would do anything for her. Greta was the runt of the family she was skinny to the extreme, her short brown hair was straight as an arrow. She was clever and funny, with a knack for getting in trouble. She was 13 when it all happened.
    She and Lenah were playing in the woods behind their house, climbing trees, building fairy houses, and generally making believe. Lenah was picking flowers on a small hill when they saw an old woman swathed in black cloth walking slowly through the woods. She had a large basket filled with toffee and candies of all varieties. Greta and Lenah wiped their dirty hands on their jeans and walked over to the old woman. Greta being very straightforward said “excuse me but may we have some of your candy?” Lenah turned and said “now Greta don’t be rude it’s impolite to ask such things. Especially when you haven’t introduced yourself.” Greta gave Lenah a sheepish look and turned back to the old woman “I’m sorry, my name is Greta. This is my sister Lenah; we are pleased to meet you.” The old woman chuckled. “No worries my dear, I was just looking for someone to unload this candy upon. I have buckets more but I am so weak and frail I have not the strength to move it all.” The old woman said in a throaty low voice. Greta’s face lit up and she said “I’m sure Lenah and I could help you if you wanted!” the old woman smiled and they all walked to the old house in the clearing.
    Greta was hauling her second bucket out to a large wheelbarrow when she turned to say something to Lenah. Lenah wasn’t there anymore. She looked all about. No Lenah. She called out to her but she no one called back. She dropped the bucket and ran towards home, maybe Lenah had gone home. 10 minutes later she found herself back upon the dropped bucket of candy. She began to cry, she was lost and alone with no one to comfort her or hold her hand. She cried for a bit but then the sun began to fall behind the distant mountains. Greta stood and picked up the bucket, she might be able to use it later. She tried to walk in a straight line dropping candy as she went. Eventually she found herself back at her trail of candy and she kicked at it angrily. She would never be unlost. Suddenly off in the distance she heard a small cry. She ran towards it. Soon she came back upon the old house and she ran to tell the old woman what she had heard. The old woman turned around to reveal all her kind features changed, hardened somehow. Her face was sharper and her eyes glinted with hunger and madness. Greta saw a cage of sticks covered in a tarp on the ground. Someone was inside it crying.
    The old witch turned to her and screamed “you shant leave here alive little girl!” Her voice seemed to be carried on the wind that was now starting up. The person in the cage said “Run Greta or you’ll never be free!” She didn’t need to hear it twice and she turned to run from the wretched scene. The witch was already moving and snatched Greta up into her bony arms before Greta could go anywhere. Greta was trapped and no matter how hard she struggled she just couldn’t seem to be free.
    The old witch opened the little door on the cage and threw Greta in next to the battered Lenah. The old witch began to cackle maniacally. She suddenly disappeared. Leaving behind nothing. Greta turned to Lenah and said “I don’t want to be here anymore!” she began crying again Lenah pulled her close and they stayed that way all night holding each other tightly so as to keep warm.
    In the morning the old witch hobbled out of her house dragging a large pot.. This woke the girls, they scrabbled to the back of the enclosure. The old witch threw open the little door and reached in one long bony arm. She grabbed Greta and pulled her out. She hypnotized poor Greta. Telling her to go and gather wood. Greta did as she was told dutifully. She brought back armloads of sticks, and when the witch decided there was enough for a fire she told Greta to light the fire and fill the pot with water. Greta still under the witches spell began lighting the fire. It caught and began to grow. Greta lifted the heavy pot and put it on the fire then she grabbed the bucket that at one time held candy and filled it with water at the little pump. She continued until the pot was sufficiently full. The witch Reached into the little wooden cage once more and pulled out the thrashing Lenah. Lenah was screaming as loud as she could. The witch slapped her across the face and Lenah went limp. The witch bound her with rope and tossed her into the large water filled pot. Greta was sent inside to get herbs. The herbs were on the top shelf in the kitchen and when Greta was reaching for them she slipped and fell she landed mostly in the sink. The water splashed on her face and Greta woke with a start. She jumped out of the sink and dried herself as best she could with a nearby towel. She looked out the window and saw the witch chopping carrots and onions and adding them to the big pot. Greta developed a plan. She grabbed the herbs and sprinkled a bit of pepper into a handkerchief. She put on a blank face and walked back outside. She stood as the witch took each spice from her in turn and threw it bottle and all into the cauldron. when the pile of herbs ran out all that was left was the handkerchief of pepper. the witch turned to stir the pot that was now begginning to bubble. Greta quietly edged back and got the rope that was laying on the ground she made a slipknot of it and put it right behind the witch, she took the other end and flung it over a tree. then she tapped in the witch, who abruptly turned. Greta threw the pepper into her eyes. the witch began thrshing in front of her. she stepped unwittingly nto the slipknot. Greta pulled on the other end and tied it to a tree trunk the suspended witch began screaming at her upendedness. Greta pulled Lenah out of the pot. luckily she hadn't inhaled any water or been burned. she untied her and started to carry her away. when she got to te wheelbarrow Greta dumped the candy that had by now turned into mud and put Lenah into it. she pushed her all the way home. that night Greta slept uneasily. the wind in the trees seemed magnified. every little detail was more terrifying, more vivid. it was immpossible to do anything but worry. Greta knew it was very possible for the witch to escape her tree top snare. to come looking for two little girls who had escaped a grisly fate. she was terrified to say the least. Greta began crying, it was too much a little girl should not have to deal with this kind of thing. she finally cried herself to sleep at 2 am. She dreamed of the witch as she knew she would. she dreamed the witch was standing in the corner of the room watching, waiting. her clawlike hands running up and down the wallpaper leaving small scratches. Greta was lying there in her dream unable to do anything. the witch moved towards Lenah's bed. inching ever closer. her hands reached out to grab the sleeping girl. suddenly she pulled them away and vanished with a hiss of breath and flutter of webby black cloth. Greta woke up sweating and panting. she curled her knees up to her chest and cried. her tears running down her face leaving trails on her purple pajamas. she glanced at Lenah's bed and saw that she was still there. Greta breathed a sigh of relief. she stood up and moved quietly across the room. the far corner was engulfed in shadow. Greta opened the shade and examined the wall. nothing. she breathed a sigh of relief. she ran her hands over the smooth wall. her fingers went over something. she lifted her hand. a small scratch in the wallpaper.