• Two Sided Glass.
    Matt walked up to the shatterproof glass, there was a man on the other side of the phone, he looked exactly like Matt. Matt picked up the phone on the opposite end.
    "I'm glad you came to see me." Said the fugitive on the other side.
    "Nah, I was forced here by a current turn of events that I wish never happened." Said Matt.
    Matt's practical twin grinned on the other side, a sinister smile was painted on his face, and his eyes displayed sick pleasure. Matt got angry,
    "And you know, that these events happened because of YOU, huh?" Matt said gripping the phone tight.
    "Ah, yes, of course, it's the least I could do for someone like you." The twin chuckled.
    Matt slammed his fist into the table, looking his twin in the eyes, he said,
    "You never wanted good for me! All you wanted to do was feed your addictions and start new ones! And you took advantage of me!"
    The twin stared back and said coldly, with a smile on his face,
    "What makes you say that?" He said.
    "You ruined my life, I want you gone, for good this time. You put me into this eternal hell whole and ruined my dreams! I want you gone!"
    "You can't get rid of me Matt, I am part of you, you can never force me away." Said Matt's double.
    Matt squeezed the phone in the palm of his hand until his fist began to bleed.
    "You lied to me!" Matt cried as his left fist slammed against the countertop., "I never trusted you, and I never will, now why won't you just LEAVE!?"
    Matt's double snickered and said,
    "As I said, I am part of you, we are one, and nothing you can say or do can hurt me, shake me, and much less kill me."
    Matt roared in anger, he screamed at the top of his lungs,
    "I hate you! I want you dead! I want to cause you pain and watch you die! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!"
    Matt punched the shatterproof glass, shattering it. Erasing his smiling double, and breaking his fist. Then Matt remembered, with his hand bleeding, that he was looking in the mirror this whole time.