Masamune Ryu was was one of the most accomplished students of the shrine of the Golden Dragon. He had managed to master Shinkendo in his twenties and was now studying kung fu as well as some other elements of ninjutsu in hopes of becoming a perfect warrior. He was preparing to be the master of the temple someday and train the greatest warriors to carry on the glorious Masamune legacy. He was a descendant of the great swordsmith Masamune Okazaki. Ryu felt it was his duty to refine his skills to use his ancestor's perfect blade with his own perfect proficiency. It was that focus and precision that allowed him to come as far as he had in his studies. Since he could stand on his own two feet his single goal was to wield the Shinryuu Masamune flawlessly, like the blade itself. Shinryuu Masamune was the sword of the Golden Dragon, featuring a golden dragon delicately engraved on the side of the blade. It was a special blade that had been kept within the family. Now Ryu trained against the only worthy opponent, one who wielded the sister sword, Sakura Masamune, the cherry blossom blade, engraved with a cherry blossom on the right side and a lotus on the left side. This worthy opponent was Miyamoto Sakura, descendant of Miyamoto Musashi, a great swordsman, and named for the blade she had been chosen to wield since birth. Ryu loved Sakura, she was the 107th Miko in her family, and if she had a daughter, she would be lucky number 108. And if Ryu was the father of Sakura's children, they would be the ultimate children of blessed bloodlines. Ryu was obsessed with this legacy. However his obsession had it's good points, he was disiplined and reverent, his respect for Sakura was unparalleled, and he had earned her love from the deepest part of her heart, she truly loved this most honorable man and worked with him to make his dreams come true, because he was her dream.
However destiny dealt Ryu a twist when Toromi Yoshi came to the shrine of the Golden Dragon. Toromi was the leader of the newly established 7th Moon colony. 7th Moon was the sixth asteroid to be caught in the Earth's orbit from the metor shower resulting after a catastrophic asteroid belt expedition over a century earlier. Because of that disaster, Earth was wary of advancing science and forced visionaries like biotech and cybernetics mogul Toromi Yoshi to establish his business on an independent colony where accidents could be isolated and quarantined. However, no problems had come from 7th Moon and they were prospering well from food exports. Now Toromi had a business proposition for the Shrine of the Golden Dragon.
Muramasa Sasuke, the current leader of the temple, gathered his council of masters and promising students to consult with Toromi. They bowed to eachother, then Toromi addressed Muramasa. "Thank you, Muramasa San for this meeting, let me first say how honored I am that you allowed me to come here and have this audience. Now, I do not know how much you have heard about my company but we are prospering qutie well. In fact, I have crunched the numbers and at this rate we will soon be the top company in the world, inclusive of all moons. However I am concerned about how this will affect the peace. I'm afraid some people may seek to take advantage of my resources so I will need security. I have searched the world for the best of the best to contribute my military. I have come here because I believe the best are here, and I want to hire you to come to 7th Moon, train my soldiers, and lead them when they become active."
Muramasa replied, "I thank you for your consideration of our shrine, we are most honored to have gained such attention from you. However, while we would be happy to take on any students you send us, we can not volunteer any of our people to go to 7th Moon."
Both men were proud and stubborn, neither would give an inch to the other and they knew negotiations were futile. Toromi simply bowed and said "Thank you." put on his sunglasses and left. This loss may have been embarassing, but compromising with Muramasa and still not getting what he wanted would have been worse. He would at least save face with a dignified exit.
Ryu approached Sensei Muramasa. "Sensei, are you sure that was a good idea? it sounded like he was making an impressive offer. You didn't even listen to how much he was willing to pay."
"Ryu san, I understand your ambition but you are young, and while you may have great skill, you still lack the wisdom to comprehend the repurcussions of coarse action. As long as I'm in charge of the Shrine of the Golden Dragon, it's honor will not be tarnished by 7th Moon."
Ryu felt that his master was being an old fool and decided to take matters into his own hands before it was too late. He ran after Toromi Yoshi. Ryu caught up with Toromi just as he was boarding his rocket ship back to 7th Moon. "Toromi San!" he shouted.
Toromi turned around and looked back at Ryu. "Can I help you?"
Ryu bowed to Toromi, "Sir, I wish to apologize for Muramasa Sensei. He is old and set in his ways, he does not understand the way the world is changing. I would like to volunteer my services to you."
Toromi turned around and took off his sunglasses. "What's your name?"
Ryu bowed again, "Masamune Ryu."
"Masamune, huh? Like the swordsmith? I have some Masamune blades, eight knives and a sword. They've lost their handles, but they're still priceless. I wonder, do you compare to the quality of that legacy?"
"I have spent my whole life chasing that very aspiration."
"Well, then you may be just what I'm looking for. You have until the end of the day to get your things together, then we leave." Toromi waved his pilot to hold off launch.
Ryu went to his quarters and gathered his belongings. Sakura stepped in on him. "Is it true? Are you really going to go to 7th Moon? Against Muramasa Sensei's wishes?"
"Yes, Sakura. This is a great opportunity and I won't pass it up because of Muramasa Sensei's shortsightedness."
Sakura ran out of the room.
Ryu went around the temple saying goodbye to everyone. The others wished him well, but he knew them well enough that despite their words, they did not approve. The last he bid farewell to was Muramasa Sensei. "Ryu San, you have always been one to follow your heart, and I know I can not stop you now. This is a lesson you must learn on your own. I only hope that this time your heart has not led you astray."
As Ryu approached the rocketship, Sakura ran up behind Ryu. "Wait!" she cried out. She was wearing a backpack and her sword and carrying a bonsai cherry tree in her hands. "If I can't stop you I'm going with you." Ryu embraced her. "Careful of the bonsai." She loved bonsai, tending to her tiny cherry trees when Ryu was too busy for her, which wasn't often, but often enough that she had a decent sized garden.
They were so excited and awed that they spent the entire trip looking out the window looking out at space. The sight of space is beyond anything anyone could possibly expect and one could not help but be awe stricken.
When they arrived, they were taken to their quarters by the staff. They went through orientation and got comfortable in their new home.
The next day they were taken to a medical faciltiy to be given physical examinations. The tests were rigorous and continuous for several days without any contact with the students they were promised. Finally, after having settled in and starting to get restless, they were called to Toromi's office.
"I'm sure you are eager to meet your students, but I must admit, it will be a while, they haven't been born yet. You see, we are a biotech company and we have realized that the future will have to be carefully engineered, not only our food but ourselves. We have invited you here not only to train the next generation but to contribute to it. First thing tomorrow we are going to begin the process of preparing embryos from your genetic material. Standard procedure will be a clone for each of you and one heterozygous in vitro combination of the both of you. They will be treated with biotech to improve their overall fitness and implanted in Sakura's womb for gestation. Your children wil be among the students you will train."
They returned to their quarters in silence, both too stunned to speak. When they got back to their quarters Sakura broke down. "I don't know if I can do this. I always wanted to have children with you, but not like this. I think this is wrong, we can't do it."
"Sakura, I know this seems like a lot, but think of the privellage of knowing our children will be pioneers of not just a new generation, but a new world. What a legacy!"
"Legacy! Is that all you think about? What about us? You think about what we can be in the future so much you don't think about what we are now! Do you think about how I'm going to have to carry these children inside me? And how will they come out?"
Ryu was taken aback. He didn't know how to respond to her. He hugged her. "You're right, if you don't feel right about this we shouldn't do it. We'll pack up and leave tomorrow." He started packing right away.
When he was about halfway through packing, Sakura stopped him. "Wait, don't. I know this means a lot to you. It's not fair to make you quit this so quickly. Clearly they're going to do this with us or without us. Maybe this is for the best. I'm just nervous is all."
Ryu sat down with Sakura. "I know, I'm nervous too. I've been nervous ever since I left Muramasa Sensei to talk to Toromi. I know this is all quite beyond us, but let's face it, we're studying centuries old martial arts in an ancient shrine secluded in the mountains and the world outside is leaving us behind. The fact that we have been chosen for this, it may be the only chance for us to be a part of the future. I know this seems like a whole lot to swallow at once, but I can't help thinking of what it could be like to be a part of all this. You saw how impatient Toromi can be, he won't wait for us, we have to go along with his timeline. But I do love you, and I will not put you in a position you do not feel comfortable with."
"I'm sorry about the outburst. You're right, it is a lot to take in, but it is the way things are." Her voice trailed off, she kissed Ryu on the cheek and unpacked again.
The next day they began the revolutionary process of reproduction. Soon, Sakura was pregnant with three children, though two were genetically unrelated to eachother. The next nine months were more pleasant than Sakura expected. She was taken good care of by the staff. The doctors said their children were healthy and coming along well.
Then, the big day came. But the doctor had bad news, two children were stillborn. They only had one son, the child that was genetically related to both of them. They mourned the loss of their children, but the loss made the survivor that much more important.
At first things were okay. They were a happy family for a few years. As soon as their child learned to walk, everything changed. He was taken away from them and put through rigorous physical tests and training. They were assured everything was okay, just procedure, but Sakura suspected something was wrong.
Ryu was allowed to see the child to train him as well as many others. They were all uniformed and at their age they looked a lot alike, so he didn't even know which child was his. He was kept busy with training so that he didn't even have time to think about what was going on.
But Sakura could see the truth. They didn't have anything for her to do, they just kept her in her room tending to her bonsai. She grew more and more reclusive.
Then she snapped. One day Ryu came back to their room to find her drawing her sword and preparing to run herself through. "Sakura what are you doing?"
"I was right, this was all a mistake. Our children..."
"It's not your fault they're gone."
"But that's just it, they're not gone! I got out of my room today and took a walk around the compound. I saw them today in the training rooms. Your son, my daughter, they live. The doctors lied, they just didn't want us to know, but I could see it. I could see their faces and I recognized them because they looked just like us as children."
"But why would they lie?"
"Because your son is deformed, they would sooner let us believe our children died than that they were born imperfect. But that is nothing compared to what has happened to my daughter, to all the girls. It is unspeakable what they did, what they are still doing. And we are a part of this. Ryu, I hope you can live with what you have done, because I am sure some day they will need you. But this is too much, I can not go on, I can not leave, I can not live knowing that this has happened. Our children are not people here, they are things."
With a ceremonial cry, she ran herself through with Sakura Masamune and died on the spot.
Ryu never told anyone what happened. He just said that he found her like this, having committed suicide. Toromi Yoshi and his subordinates did not question the situation. He asked to take her body back home to the shrine of the Golden Dragon. This, he was told, was impossible. Toromi Yoshi gave him the bad news first hand, "Shortly after you left, there was a situation. A freak outbreak of a disease, there were no survivors. The area has been quarantined."
Ryu knew this was a lie, but he also knew that these were the consequences of his decision. His life and legacy were 7th Moon and he had nowhere to go. Resigned to his fate, he continued training the soldiers. He was monitored, but he never betrayed his feelings. He simply stuck to the regiment of training to the letter and went to his room to tend to Sakura's bonsai. Her tree and her sword were all he had to remember her by.
This went on for a decade. They eventually stopped monitoring him, accepting that he had been fully integrated as a cog in the corporate machine. And then one day in the cafeteria he heard a technician bragging about how he and his wife were expecting a child, a genetically engineered perfect child.
"Not again..." Ryu said to himself.
Ryu carefully timed his exit from the cafeteria to coincide with that of the expectant father. He took this man aside and began a casual conversation. He carried the conversation on into the man's private quarters. When they were alone, he cautiously transitioned the topic of discussion to the dark secrets of 7th Moon, and Ryu's past. "It is too late for me to save myself or my children, but you can still make things right. Do not repeat my mistakes. Leave this place."
The expectant mother rubbed her belly and it was clear from the look on her face that she had already made up her mind to go. The man made arrangements for a trip to one of the other moons. He made the arrangements as simple business trip so that no one would suspect he was trying to make an escape. When he got clearance to make the trip he took along his wife and Ryu. They were aimed directly for the shrine of the Golden Dragon.
When someone noticed that the private transport was not going where it was scheduled to go, they tried to send a retrieval unit after them. However, shortly after launch the retrieval ship went off course. As a precaution the escapees had left a virus in the launch computer that would throw off any ship set anywhere near the coordinates of the shrine of the Golden Dragon.
When they arrived on Earth, Ryu was devastated. Indeed, as he was told the shrine of the Golden Dragon was abandoned, fresh ruins. When he could speak he said "Go, this place is no place for you to raise a family, and they will come looking for you here one way or another eventually. I know there were some small farming communities around here, the nearest I believe is just west of here. Go straight down the mountain in the direction of the setting sun and in a day or two you should get there. You should be safe there."
They took his advice and immediately left for the farming commune.
When Ryu was alone, he planted the cherry tree he brought with him from 7th Moon.

- Title: 7th Moon-Ryu's Story
- Artist: Hidariude
The prelude to 7th Moon, Ryu's background going back two decades before the rest of the story. Connections will be revealed and questions will be answered.
The reference image refers to the collection of Masamune blades that Toromi Yoshi mentions he has. If it looks like something else, well, you're right and I did that on purpose. - Date: 04/21/2009
- Tags: moonryus story
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Comments (2 Comments)
- shadowwolfdgr - 09/08/2009
- hay it a comic u are gana have mostly dialogue it a good story but i will take out the extra narration in the comic but i will do it pm me so we can talk gold and specifics
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- Xx-Luna-Kitty-xX - 04/21/2009
- that was really depressing when Sakura killed herself
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