• Good thing i didn't wake up form this dream. It seemed too real. Even scarier. Its was strange. 'Cause I wanted to continue but then again I didn't. Wake up, Mary!!! I knew this wasn't going to end well. I slowly started forward but collapsed to the wet floor. I was covered in blood. I was right. I was definitely not about to play poker. One, because I woke up in a jolt. Eyes opened and gasping as well. But I couldn't breathe. I tried to scream. But I couldn't. And I certainly wouldn't take the chances. Did I have asthma or something? Last time I recalled was that I didn't. Its like my lungs were ripped out. My heart raced with my thoughts. It was almost a tie. But my heart was just a little ahead. I tried to lift my head. But I couldn't. I was stuck. Having hyperventilation at the same time as not being able to breathe. I reached my arm out, even though it hurt, for my cell-phone. I tried feeling for it. My side desk was far out. I tried to reach out farther. I screeched in agony. But that was all that sound I could make. My voice was quiet. I sounded horse. My screech sounded squeaky and droned out. It hurt so much to even move my arm in so of an inch!

    Try harder! Don't give up!

    Great. My sub-consonance was already speaking to me. At least it was giving me some courage. All of a sudden though. When I looked out my widow to see my tree. The tree I grew up with. The tree I climbed. The tree fell out of. MY tree. I saw a girl. But more of a woman. She was the most beautiful woman I ever saw in my life. But she wasn't real. She looked the same as the girl in my dream. But she couldn't be. She wasn't evil...she was an
    angel. Pure good, no greed. She was hope. She Had the same hair but it was a little lighter. Her skin was chalky pale with rosy cheeks. She had smooth, pink, plump lips. Like a doll. She was too pretty to be a doll. She had bright-baby-blue eyes that looked just like mine. She glowed bright. Her dress was old-fashioned. Must have been from the 60s or something. It was white with lace that formed sleeves and layers of it on the skirt of the dress.
    It was simply breathtaking and elegant on this scalloped sheer floral lace on the neckline. Fitted bodice with sheer long sleeves of floral white lace. The neckline was also accented with a few iridescent sequins. The front of the Cinderella style wedding gown had tiered layers of lace draping to the ground. While the back of the skirt had a long train trailing under her that flowed down the tree. There were some white rose buds attached to the skirt as well. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. That definitely gave me hope. I reached out farther and felt the edge of my desk. Even though it hurt like hell. I tried harder for my cell-phone. I started to feel the top of it. I tried to grab it. But failed. I was still laying on the floor. I reached through the darkness, trying to feel for it. It was no use. I might as well die and go to heaven with this kind of agony.

    No! Try harder! The angel screamed at me.

    But I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe!
    I started hyperventilating. I least I was breathing. But I wasn't in a good way. The angel was still in the tree. She stared at me. I was locked into her eyes. I noticed the tears running down my face. Her eyes were like holy fire now. Was she angry? She looked at me with fury and hope. I will help you. Just keep looking into my eyes. She said.
    I did as she said. Her wings flew up and I could see her eyes concentrating into mine.

    to be continued....