• "Why are you doing this to me?" Danny had tears comming down his face as I chained him to a chair. "YOu HURT Alicia. I can't let you get away with what you did. Sure a petty little law suit would be fine but how would that be punishment?" I got up in his face and practicaly growled the next words I spoke."I want you to go through the fear and pain you put her through. I want you to suffer as she did that night." I backed away with a soft merderous look on my face. He wimperd as I touched the cold blade to his sweaty skin. "What do you want from me you psycotic b***h?" He practically spat the words at me. All I could do was chuckle. "Danny, Danny, Danny. You don't get it do you? I plan to kill you. Im going to play with your mind a bit. Put fear into you. Make you regret what you did. Whatever a court can offer, my revenge is going to be better. I want to see you suffer. I want the same look to go through your eyes as I saw on hers that night! Do you know how much therapy and physical therapy she is going to have to go though. You almost killed her. She was inches away from death." I had tears comming down my face now as that night flashed through my mind. I stepped back and took a key ring from my belt. "YOu ahve one hour to unlock yourself and get to the other builing out side that door over there." I jerked his head in the direction of the door. It was off to his right and across the empty storage house. I held up a key ring that had one hundred and fifty keys on it. "One of these will unlock you. The timer is being set." I walked over to the left of him and set the time on the bomb. It was sitting on the tub of gasoline. His eyes grew wide with horror as he realized he had only an hour to live. I put the keys in his hands and walked out of the garage. I could hear the soft sobs and the rustling of keys.

    There I was in Joe's closet. He was there that night, He was one of the guys that helped beat us. I have been watching him for a bit waiting for him to fall asleep. About five minutes later soft snores traveled to the closet doors. I stepped out and looked around the room. The door was closed. One less thing to worry about. I pulled my gun out of the waist of my pants, held it to his head, and ductaped his mouth shut. He woke up with a jolt to see that i was hovinering over hi. "Shhh Joe. Do as I say and you will be alright." He nodded. "Get up and fallow me, and be quick about it." He got out of bed and I saw that he had wet the bed. I scrunched my nose and looked at him with discust. "That is gross. Does Joey need pull ups?" I cooed in my baby voice. When he started to charge at me I put my gun straight out. He stood frozen with hatred filled eyes. "Come on, I don't have all day." He changed quickly and fallowed me to the old storage house. I walked in and checked the time with Joe fallowing behind. I had cuffed him and since I had the key, he had no choice but to fallow. When he saw Danny he started to tremble. " I have another task for you Joey." I walked off and noted that he only had about twenty minutes left. We got to the "safe house" and that is where he and I stayed. "If Danny makes it alive, you'll have a partner. If not then you will be doing the next task alone.

    ~Danny's inner thoughts and actions~

    She is crazy. Now she is going to blow me up? That was the only thought going to my mind at that current moment. I was struggling with the keys trying to beat the bomb that was ticking right next to me. Oh, and it is sitting on a tub of gasoline. If you would have asked me a month ago how you think I would die, I would have said old age or car accident because of drinking then driving. Not this though. I thought for a split second that I was just having a nightmare. Maybe I would wake up soon. Just like those dream where just before you die you would wake up? I knew this was all real though. I remember Alicia and Coral. We just didn't know what we were doing. We were drunk and wanted to have a good time. When we heard what happend to them on the news, it hit us hard. I was planning on visiting them. I never got around to it though. I was thinking that they didn't belong anyway. There were into eachother. They were bisexual. To me you are either gay or straight. Bisexuals, that is just gross. You basically have sex with the same gender. If that's not a hoe, I don't know what is. Back to reality. I know I should have told her I was sorry. I should have visited them and apologize, even if I didn't mean it. Something tells me though that even if I did, it wouldn't have made a difference.

    When the time on the bomb said twenty minutes, I started to panic. It was a good thing I was a foot ball player. I would be able to run across the empty building at top speed. My hands were trembling as i went through each key. It was really hard because I didn't know if I was using the same key twice. Tick tock tick tock. The bomb ticked away the minutes and seconds of my life. I started to remember the good things that had happend to me. When I flashed back to my ex girl friends, I noticed I never really treated any woman with any type of respect. Not like it mattered. They were controlling and needy. I wanted that sure but you can only take so much of it at a time. Eventually I dumped them. One by one. Then there were the two girl friends I had simotaniously. Let me tell you. That was not such a good idea. They found out and all hell broke loose. I started to realize what a bastared I was. I was becoming my dad. When I glanced over to the bomb, the digital numbers read three minutes until certain death. If you ever want a terrifying experience, just have a crazy girl lock you into a chair with a s**t load of keys and you have to find the right one or else you explode if time runs out. Talk about an adrenaline rush! I sat there knowing what ever I did was useless. Why couldn't she just tell me a riddle of the combonation. That would have been easier. Oh yes, I forgot, its one of the combonation locks. However there is a key hole on the back of it. Maybe she doesn't know the combonation? Who knows. I bet the key isn't even on the key ring.

    I turned once more to see the time. Thirty seconds. If only I could tell my parents where I was, and how I died. If i was exploded, there would be no way they could identify my body. Im not even sure they would find me. I have no clue where we are. For all I know we could be underground! Then again probably not. Seven seconds to go. Six, five, four, three, two, one. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. A metalic sound was made but that was it. I opend one eye to see that the front of the bomb fell. Inside was the combonation taped to the back of the cover. I started to cry from the relief I felt. I unlocked my self before I realized the combonation. It was my locker's lock. How was that possible. How did she know my combonation? I wrote her off as some creepy psyco. I looked at the door she had told me to go through. Then to the opposite end. There was a door over there but it had a chain on it, with a lock. I looked at the key ring that was on the floor. The lock was to big for they keys. I jogged to the door she told me to go through then headed to the building. Opend the door and was shocked to see what was right infront of me.