• "Where am I?" I thought as I slid off the small bed. I was in a small, dark room. No windows. Nothing was in it but that small bed and a little wooden table with a lit candle on the top.

    A big door swung open, breaking the utter silence. A man walked in. He was tall, and had long blond hair. He wore a long, black robe and held a small green walking stick with a silver snake head on the top,"I see you have waken," he said as he closed the door with a swing of his hand.

    "Where am I?" I asked him. The mans face looked ghastly in the candle light. He walked closer,"Your safe, that's all that matters," he held out his hand,"I must introduce myself, I am Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy." I looked at his hand then back up at him,"Oh come on," he insisted,"...one thing you will have to learn here is trust." I held out my hand and he took it and shook it.

    "Alright, now that that's settled...DOBBY!" The door swung open yet again and in came a little house elf," Take her to Lord Voldemort, I have some buisness to attend to." I cringed at the sound of that name. I followed Dobby out of the room, not knowing where I was going.