• Prologue
    I first saw her as I was going out of the cafeteria.
    Slim and beautiful, pale as snow. Her hair was black, her eyes violet. She sat all alone in a corner of the cafeteria.
    She fiddled with her hair absentmindedly, as if she was daydreaming.
    She looked like a snow goddess.

    Chapter 1
    A snowy day
    "Heads up dude!" came a voice behind me.
    A basketball came flying across my head. I snatched it up.
    "Careful, dude. Don't wanna spoil the ball."
    Jake tossed the ball to my other friend, Alex.
    "Heck, who cares, no one owns the thing," said Jake.
    I grinned. "True. No one owns the ball."
    He grinned back. "C'mon then, dude. ALEX PASS THE BALL!"

    I was walking down the hallway when I saw her again. Some random guys were following her around, drooling behind her.
    Jake nudged me. "Isn't she pretty? Her name's Kay."
    I shrugged. "She may be pretty, but she doesn't date. Don't get your hopes up, man.
    Remember Mary?"
    He grimaced at me and aimed a whack in the ribs. I dodged it neatly and grinned at him.
    "C'mon, we'll be late for class. I heard that on the first day of school the teachers here go on you really hard."
    The bell rang; an earsplitting, deafening clang.
    "Arrrrrrgh! Late again. Run for it dude!"
    Jake and I ran to class.
    "Hah! Beat'cha this time, eh, dudes?" whispered Alex as we took our seats.
    "Shut up. Look, there's Kay," muttered Jake.
    She looked more of a goddess she had yesterday, with her silky black hair curved around her ear.
    "Do you boys have something you want to share with the class?" said Professor Clark.
    The three of us jumped. "No, sir," I said. "You better not," I heard the Professor mumble.
    He then handed out Science textbooks. "Turn to page 346," he drawled.

    "Boooooring. We'll have to deal with that teacher for THREE TERMS DUDE!" yawned Alex.
    "What the hell, Alex. Heck, I probably found that more boring than you did. I already know that crap."
    I walked with Jake and Alex across the street. It was snowing again, 3rd time this month.
    "There's Kay again. Man, we see her everywhere, don't we?" muttered Jake.
    "Yup," I whispered back. "Look, she's going into a dark alley. Wonder what she's doing there, huh?"
    Kay turned into a dark lane curving around the street and out of sight.
    "Let's follow her." Alex suggested.
    "OK, but if we get caught, you take the blame for suggesting it."
    I grimaced and aimed a whack into his ribs. "Ow!" he said. "That friggin hurt. You're strong, Luke."
    "Shh! Follow her!" said Alex.
    So we crept around the alley way and onto the lane. We dove behind the garbage can.
    Some men in black suits followed Kay around.
    Jake and I exchanged glances and followed silently along the wall.
    Alex took a quick peek and motioned that it was clear.
    Once we came into view of Kay and the men. Kay stopped.
    "I know you're following me, Falcon, Thorn ... Asch."
    The men in black suits smiled. "Orders from Calisto. It's our job to take people with special abilities."
    Kay smiled. "You can't take me. I'm too powerful for you. Go back to Calisto and report that."
    Falcon grinned. "Still as cheeky as ever, Kay. We'll prove you wrong, though, we're not picked for nothing." His hand glowed white and a long white katana appeared.
    He twirled it in the air and set it in front of Kay.
    She smiled. "You think I came unarmed?" Her hand glowed white and in her hand appeared a long with staff with an orb on top, entwined with sparkling crystals.
    Thorn grinned. "You can have your fun for now, Falcon. Asch and I will join later."
    He produced a cloak out of nowhere and pulled it around himself. The man named Asch did the same.
    Alex exchanged glances with Jake and me and turned around to watch again.
    Kay smiled beautifully.
    She waved her staff and immediately the man named Falcon was encased in a silver cage, wrapped in ice.
    He smiled and chopped the ice in half. He threw the sword at Kay, who dodged.
    The sword came back to Falcon.
    Kay smiled. She threw a fireball at his sword, which immediately began to burn and melt.
    He glared in fury at Kay.
    His hand glowed white again. He shot ice at Kay, who blocked with a fireshield which instantly burned his ice.
    She sang a hymn with her staff, transporting the three men.
    Alex tripped over his shoes. Kay stared. There was a long silence.
    Then she collapsed.