• Hello my name is Verity Reyes... and i want to die.

    Those hateful eyes stared back at me -- I so wished they would go away, stop judging,stop starring like they know something, something secret. But to no avail, they never left, day after day the kept starring. But now I had a plan, a handful of sleeping pills , and the faucet tap in the other, I would make them stop. I would never see that smug look ever again. Cramming all the pills in my mouth, I washed them down with some warm tap water. I thought i would be sick.
    I sat waiting on the floor to feel something, but nothing came besides the insistent banging on the bathroom door.
    "Verity!!" my older sister called in that deafening drawl she called her voice "I need to get ready!! John will be here in three hours!!" She cried, standing up I laughed to myself. My sister the whore needed to get ready for another"PG-13" date.
    I opened the door. "What ever you can have the bathroom I'm done anyway." As i walked down the hall to my room I had to really think abut putting one foot in front of the other, my mind felt like it was in a haze. But i guess that's what happens when you don't sleep for two days. Stumbling into bed, I feel into a deep sleep.

    I had dreamed about death, my parents panicking, my sister crying, flashing red and blue lights. A pump, pain so much pain, then peace. And in the peace I meet God himself, and honestly I wasn't too impressed.