• Connor walked into the door of his house. It was empty as it usually was. His parents were at work and never came back until late (leaving Connor to fend for himself) and I honestly don’t think they care all that much about Connor either. He put his jacket in the coat closet in their front hallway. He swiped at his eyes and then headed towards the stairs. I followed him up to his room and sat down on his bed while he sat at his desk. He looked around and I became hopeful that he sensed my presence. I took a deep breath and prepared to talk again. Just as I opened my mouth, the phone rang and Connor ran out of the room, lunging for the cordless phone in the bedroom hallway. He picked it up and I heard it click.
    “Hey,” he said into it. I waited patiently for his conversation to end, while also hanging onto his every word.
    “No I’m not doing anything.” Pause. “Sure I’ll be over in a few minutes. Yeah I can’t wait either.” Pause. “Yeah I’ll see you soon. Ok. Bye.” And I heard the click as he hung up the phone. I heard his footsteps go down the stairs and I quickly rushed out of the room to follow him. He grabbed his jacket from the closet and went out the door. I followed him in silence as he went out the door and walked down the street. He was going a way I had never been before and I was curious as to where he was going and who he was meeting. Probably James and Jason, the two twins at school that were Connor’s best friends. And who my best friends Jill and Sarah would double date with us. But where was he going? Definitely not at their usual hangout at the 50’s style diner called Clarisse’s Diner. They never usually hung out anywhere else but there. My stomach began churning with nervousness. Where was Connor going?? Was he ok??
    I began to relax when he reached the lake house. The lake house was a community house where people could go boating, swimming in the lake, or just playing in the sand or the lake house. I paled when I remembered what the lake house was so famous for. A romantic spot on a small abandoned boat, labeled Boat 51. No. Connor could NOT be seeing someone else already. We hadn’t even gotten that serious that we could go on Boat 51! My throat formed a lump and I felt tears pooling in my eyes. My suspicions were confirmed as I followed Connor onto the dock and climb into Boat 51 where a girl with golden skin and honey blonde hair (who almost resembled me) was waiting for him. I could tell someone else was in the boat, probably another girl. Tears came and I began sobbing. Connor, startled, looked around the boat. His gaze fell on me. I sobbed and floated away. I heard footsteps running behind me and when I was out of sight of the lake house, I heard Connor say my name. His voice cracked.
    “Hope? Is that really you?” he asked, sounding close to tears.
    “Yes. It is me. But I’m leaving. Bye Connor,” I said sharply.
    He tried to grab me by the shoulder, forgetting that I am now transparent. His hand went right through mine. He swallowed. I could tell he was trying to get used to this.
    “Hope what’s wrong?” he asked.
    I whirled around, my eyes filling with tears making him look blurry. I was angry that he even asked that question for I was sure that he should clearly know the answer.
    “You’ve already moved on! Who was that girl in the boat?”
    His face softened. “Oh Hope look-“
    “What? I know you have to move on after I’m dead but-“
    “Hope. That was James’s girlfriend. I was just meeting them there.” He took a step closer to me and he tried to touch me, once again forgetting that I’m no longer solid.
    My heart softened. I should have known. Connor would NEVER do that to me. “Oh… I’m sorry I accused to Connor… I should have known you would never do that,” I said.
    Connor put his hands in his pockets. “I would never do that Hope. I know you’re… dead… but I still love you.”
    Tears formed in my eyes.
    “Connor… I love you too.” I finally said it. I figured now I could go to the afterlife and just wait for Connor. Little did I know, Connor would soon face trouble. Trouble that only I could help him get out of.