• As I looked around the swarm of people in the halway my mind began to go into a haze.........I began to feel light headed.... and then i saw him his perfect form... his black hair gleamed in the florecent light.... like a crow.He began to come up to me....i froze, the crowd began to thin out the closer he got to me.My teacher then trotted past us.... acting like she didn't even see that.... witch she rarely ever payed attention any ways. he..... Justin began to come closer and closer to me......I began to blush, he then slid his hand onto my cheek... he then said... hello Bandit.... yes bandit that is my name......He then began to kiss me, my head turned aquwardly tothe side....Then i could hear my mom and my father yell at me... i carefully began to slide my eyes open.. hopeing they were just at school.... but no it was another perfect dream about justin brock......i began to dream this night over and over... our lips comeing closer and closer to touching each time... I wish it would happen in reality but realinty is a crule crule fate that we all must meet one day.