• tab "Hey, Steven! Long time, no see!" Kelly yelled out towards her best friend. It had been exactly 4 years since they last saw each other. They had gone on different paths, onto different futures. But they had still stayed connected but not as much as they would like. Luckily, he didn't change. Also, his house didn't even change a bit!
    tab Steven quickly swung to the side on his swivel chair. His face lit up in surprise then happiness. Then he broke out in laughter.
    tab "How'd you get in here? The front doors locked!" Shaking his head, he walked up to Kelly and instantly embraced her. It was certainly a sight to see, a girl in love with her best friend is hugging him. She smiled contently, drowning in his warmth. This was the one part she had missed about not seeing him.
    tab "I used my awesome pickpocketing skills." Steven stared at her and she quickly laughed replying that she had just taken the keys under the plant pot. His eyes smiled then turned away from her. Oh, how she wanted every single moment of attention he could give.
    tab "Let's go get some lunch, shall we?" Kelly immediately snapped out of her day-dreaming and checked the watch. It was already 12:30! Time sure does fly by when you are with friends.
    She quickly nodded and suggested the best place in southern California. In-N-Out Burgers!
    tab "Alright then!"
    tab And off they went towards their delicious burgers. But little did they know, that they would get into a fatal accident. An accident that would be etched into Kelly's mind forever...