A long time ago a battle was raging between monsters and a dangerous weapon known as Violeta . She was dangerous threat to the word of darkness. But when all hope was lost two vampires named Selena and Vincent Valentine saved the world of darkness from Violeta.
Two long years have past and Selena is now married to drake the lord of the vampires . She is expecting the next heirs to the vampire throne. During early May her brother and very close friends were found to be throwing her a baby shower. During the baby shower a young letter bat named Sala delivered a message written in crinsom blood. Everyone crowed around as Selena read the letter aloud It said:
Dear Lord Drake and Lady Selena
I suppose you don’t remember me the war was two years ago. Allow me to introduce myself , My name is Nero the corrupted and guess what I found the remains of Violeta. Yes soon the chimera army will begin a new war with a bigger and stronger leader. We will becoming in late May at 6 o’cliock sharp , Oh by the way isn’t that when the heirs will be born. Perfect see ya soon
(untill you die that day)
Nero the corrupted
Selena was scared to death because she knew he was right. So Vincent and the others decided to defeat Nero and Violeta before the twins arrive Will they? You’ll just have to find out for yourselves.
I tried My best crying
Please be my friend if you like it crying crying
Vampire Story
A story I tried writting a couple years ago
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